What are your thoughts on Elsa?

Yesterday I pulled a 5* Elsa Bloodstone and I'm curious to hear what people think of her. I'm excited because I don't have a ton of good five stars. I've got some decent champs like Gwenpool , Sabertooth, Luke Cage and Wasp and then a few duds like Juggernaut, Groot, Yondu, Ant-Man Punisher 2099, Hulk and Phoenix (all unawakened). So I'm thinking Elsa is somewhere in the middle of that pack. She seems fun to play and based on my roster I'm thinking of taking her to at least rank 3 as I think she'll take me further than a lot of the other 5* champs I have. Do you think she's worthy of rank 3 or 4 based on my roster. Who would you place her in front of in terms of rank up priorities?