Looking for ally

Looking for a gold 1 ally with voluntary aq.

We are three players with 800k 877k and 665k rating


  • TheBroookTheBroook Member Posts: 35
    Hey man, add me on line - TheBroook.

    We’re Gold 1.
  • Marrero_504Marrero_504 Member Posts: 23
    If u are still looking. We could use a few more. Marrero504 is my line id
  • KihlgastKihlgast Member Posts: 111

    If u are still looking. We could use a few more. Marrero504 is my line id

    Cant find you on. Line
  • PC1996PC1996 Member Posts: 59
    Hey dude, were gold 1 with chill map 4 AQ. Line @patc96 need a couple players
  • G_Reaper38G_Reaper38 Member Posts: 24
    We have a gold 3 ally, that could use the help to get up to gold1, let me know if you’re interested
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