All i see is complaning, these days, kids these days dont know the struggle when the game came out

1. masteries wasn't even athing
2. 4* weren't even a common thing, let alone get shards for dupes. the first guaranteed 4* was $100 og vision. I have spinned many crystals and didn't get 4*. THESE days new accounts have a HIGH chance of pulling 4* very early...witch lead to my next point of how I got my firsr 4* oh and no shard farming from dupes.
3. my first 4* was 100% exploration of act 3, from a 4* crystal and I was level 30+ no masteries all 3 *,
4. the very first arenas I played was with 2* grinding for 3* champs where I played nonstop when the game came out just to reach top 5% if I can remember for a 3*..a 3* was the meta of the game, I remember scoring 350k to get 3* hawkeye. again no shard farming from dupes.
5. Beginner/Intermediate arenas? na forget about it, when the game came out it was a foot race to the arena and whoever spent money had a headstart, also no shard farming fromes dupes.
6. alliances? and missions? yea non existent, no shard farming from mission.
7. Aq/War? yeah ok non existent again, no shard farming yet again.
anyways theres my rant from a person who played mcoc back in the day. I could start a new account and make up so much progress in 2 first months vs my 1st year of playing mcoc when it came out.
T4B basics was a myth let that sync in.
2. 4* weren't even a common thing, let alone get shards for dupes. the first guaranteed 4* was $100 og vision. I have spinned many crystals and didn't get 4*. THESE days new accounts have a HIGH chance of pulling 4* very early...witch lead to my next point of how I got my firsr 4* oh and no shard farming from dupes.
3. my first 4* was 100% exploration of act 3, from a 4* crystal and I was level 30+ no masteries all 3 *,
4. the very first arenas I played was with 2* grinding for 3* champs where I played nonstop when the game came out just to reach top 5% if I can remember for a 3*..a 3* was the meta of the game, I remember scoring 350k to get 3* hawkeye. again no shard farming from dupes.
5. Beginner/Intermediate arenas? na forget about it, when the game came out it was a foot race to the arena and whoever spent money had a headstart, also no shard farming fromes dupes.
6. alliances? and missions? yea non existent, no shard farming from mission.
7. Aq/War? yeah ok non existent again, no shard farming yet again.
anyways theres my rant from a person who played mcoc back in the day. I could start a new account and make up so much progress in 2 first months vs my 1st year of playing mcoc when it came out.
T4B basics was a myth let that sync in.
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yeah and they keep pushing more and more content, and higher for 6* and people are STILL complaining.
5.2 aint gonna be harder, LOL,ROL aint gonna be harder if anything these feats was near impossible back in the day and now that content is much easier, better champs along the way. The power creep will continue to rise. comeback in another year and see how much "easier" everything that we are farming now compare to 1 year time.
With that in mind, even in 1 year newer players will find it "easier" to get t4b,t4c for example
But going back further, the arenas lasted a week. So we had 1 week to do the arenas. When arenas were shortened so we can do 2 of these in a week (around Feb-ish 2015), this effectively doubled the number of PHCs we could get in a week from arenas. This prompted the veteran players to start lying in the forums, falsely claiming that new players got better drop rates for 4-stars. They wanted the masses to believe that a certain class of people received better treatment while the rest of us who paid their dues got nothing.
In reality, new players simply had more PHCs available to them for the same amount of effort because of the changes in arena, the same changes available to the crying lying veterans.
So even back in the old days, players were whining about something non-sense even when it was fake news, alternative facts non-sense that they made up themselves.
I won't be surprised if some people fell for the lie, not a whole lot different than some fool going to a pizza joint in DC to "rescue" children from a secret group of child slavers and porno freaks. In "truth", we have to rescue them from NASA.
I also remember when we finally had t4b arenas. The veterans said that there were no t4bs as milestones. I told them to scroll down past the first 3 milestones. They again re-iterated their false claim. About a month or 2 of this non-sense, they finally admitted their "mistake" because they can no longer hide the fact that they have rank 4/40 4-stars as their top heroes. The change in tactic was around Sept 2015.
Almost a year later another set of veterans claimed that the t4b milestone was added in the fall of 2015.
What motivates these people, I have no idea. There's no "end-game" to this.
still using my 4*, in a top 800 alliance bracket.
and have almost 70k 5* save up right now for December, I think im doing good.
I have max out voodoo, as a 4* but would love to get him as a 5* and I have an iceman aswell but id like a 5* version of that aswell.
The only way to get any higher is getting featured 5* champs for higher prestige, but im not the lucky ones but until that more and more options will be available and until time unless you want to progress 6* and rank 5* 5/50 will not be easy unless you seturself or your account is already up there.
so I think im doing well.
and at this current state where if you want to push prestige, I see multiple people
get lucky ("COUGH" SEATIN 2/2) and his other lucky featured pulls..
to seeing people like anonymous2k get screwed (0-7)
and seeing all the brag post of people going 1/1 on first featured people made me try.
so im 0/1 and im never doing that again. I will wait, I will have my time.
I remember Crystal Crash, Level Up and Rank Improvement? (I forget, maybe it was Rank Up).
My biggest challenge for me was when I grinded the arenas to face BrutalDLX 4* team of Gamora, Star-Lord and Colossus. I would face them with my 3* team of Unstoppable Colossus, Black Widow and Colossus. I would always beat Gamora, it was Star-Lord who I hated facing. I came close against Colossus but the block damage was high. Took me about 8 tries in 3 weeks to finally win the series against him.
My first fight win against an MMXIV opponent was against Freeeze Dr. Strange with my Spider-Man.
Kids now a days won't know the struggle of facing Wolverine in his prime. Regen with each critical hit. Only Black Widow could stop him, although I don't think too many people knew just how strong she was.
Few people knew you could save Daily and Free crystals. You could get 30 PHC a week from the arena alone (if I remember correctly). I knew people who would elect to buy the 4* Crystal for 2500 and would grind just to pop open PHC to get the 10 3* needed to get the 4* offer.
I like the change, have decent champs that make game easy, but took a lot of time to get there
and you think everyone had those characters? hah u guys got opportunity to catch up to all the vets
boohoo lv 36 with a 5* groot, how will he ever progress?
Don't be fooled by today's star levels and masteries and shards. I wasn't around in the beginning but I'm sure today's grind is exactly the same as it was back then. This game is probably the same hamster wheel grind it always was. In fact, Kabam's probably better at it today than they were in the beginning.
We're gonna close this thread down. While I'm sure many people are enjoying the trip down memory lane, I want to remind you all to please remember the forum rules when making posts. Everybody is entitled to their opinions, and the forums are a place to share those opinions, but please remember to do so in a respectful manner.
That means calling other players names (even just in a general sense) is not cool, and belittling their opinions is not okay. can get 4* UC from alliance event
b.only need 2-3m to get feature 4* arena (you only need 1 odin and three r2 4* to get top prize in the feature 4* arena)
c. 5v5 alliance arena to get a 4* champs for the entire alliance
d. PERFECT BLOCK when masteries first introduced
sure you only remember the difficult parts so it looks like you suffered and experienced and tough (maybe)