TIPS ON 5.2.3

Role Reversal is just stupid and now its the buffett node that is [removed by mod] as well. How the hell am i suppose to pass without triggering the champs to regen and barely doing any high damage.
Should i bring Kamala Khan.IP.Joe Fixit.She Hulk to battle now???
Should i bring Kamala Khan.IP.Joe Fixit.She Hulk to battle now???
Post edited by Kabam Pertinax on
I have only 4 r5 lol hyperion.quake.voodoo.rogue
Role reversal has no play against who you use...i figured since science is stronger then skill that i would need to use mystic or am i missing something?
Other words rogue against SL wont matter despite mutant would be stronger then
I have 1 skill at r4. 1 mutant r4. 1 tech r4. Lots of mystic at r4. 1 cosmic at r4 with hyp being r5 and only 1 mutant at r5
Game of hot potato but with your health on the line lol
good luck mate
Seems parry triggers mascohism and GR seems to be hard to use lol
Also, you will need a good team of Bleed Immune champs for the way-too-long Caltrops path.
I just finish the caltrops line... and forgot to bring a bleed inmune. Stash is gone.
When I went for completion, I took the middle with Magik, because it looked shorter...
why would you take a caltrops path without bleed immune and just keep going ? why not exit out and restart with a bleed immune ?
I took YJ path but forgot to bring GR for storm but can rogue survive tho lol