OldmanVOldmanV Member Posts: 1
I'm trying to figure out which 4* to take to rank 4 but I have no clue. I already have 4* StarLord, 4* X-23, and 4* Ultron at 4/40 all duped. Here's the list of champions I could rank up to 4/40 in order of their PI:

Beast - Duped
SIM - Duped
Agent Venom
Black Panther
Daredevil Netflix
Moon Knight
Captain Marvel

I was thinking SIM because he's duped, but I like CapWWII's play, I like having the bleed on Venompool, and I like Vision's usefulness in power drain. For those more experienced, what are your thoughts???



  • BigMoBigMo Member Posts: 175
    I would say CapWW2. He does not have to be duped to still be good. I use my WW2 all the time for story questing and sometimes in AW offense. SIM is a better version of IM, but is just really an average champion. If you like playing with WW2 better than SIM, then definitely upgrade WW2 over SIM. When you get ready for your next upgrade after WW2, I would suggest Vision but if you get a new 4* or maybe dupe one your already have that might change. I love my duped Vision, but similar to WW2 he is still good unduped.
  • NyaleNyale Member Posts: 136
    vision ,cap than thor vision is ultra usefull in aq and has attack synergy with ultron
  • DLegendDLegend Member Posts: 745 ★★★
    Go for vision because-

    1. Can help you through power gain nodes which are one of the hardest things to play through.
    2. Theres no need to suffer through a sp3, Especially in AW and AQ.
    3. If you use suicide masteries, there are no debuffs since vision is immune to bleed and poison.
  • D15rulesD15rules Member Posts: 5
    I would go Cap WW2. His block proficiency is amazing, and his bleed is very useful. My cap WW2 is at R4 and he's amazing!
  • AEG93AEG93 Member Posts: 69
    You already have two rank 4 tech champs , so I'd go with WW2. My second choice would be Thor, and then Vision. Beast is a very good champ too, but not a priority in your case since you already have r4 X-23.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,195 ★★★★★
    Would you consider ranking a Champ you do not use and place on AW as defender?
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