Very poor game play & cristal opining

Lots of lagging & very worst 5 star basic pool, kabam i think god tiar champs are not put in 5 star cristals, & new champ gets goddest buff provideed , taking lots of revive & poition , no 1 casino game...
All champs can be god tier, you just need to learn how to play them and not always blindly follow seatin. Even hulkbuster when you stack 4 armour breaks does a bit of decent damage(awakened, maxed out 3 star) and vulture's thermal feedback. Several times, these champions have been in my first team. As kabam has said, and a lot of the community has proven, there are good champs in all the crystals. See players getting ghost, vtd, etc. I do not understand the goddest part. I have only completed act 3, so forgive me if i think that revives do not need to be used as much if you have skill. I agree the crystals maybe based purely on rng, but as i said earlier, every champion, if used wisely, can be a lethal fighter. Also, look at my game profile, only 1 is an actual demigod. Red skull, vulture, oml/electro, these champs, while not god tier, have saved me many a time. Sure, i may not be strong enough to take RoL winter soldier, but even with bad champs, i play this game for fun and that is what counts. Look for the cloud with the silver lining, and you can learn how to play even rhino.