Talking about champs (OG)

007md92007md92 Member Posts: 1,381 ★★★★
Yeah i pulled a lot of these champs and i am happy. Coz they are fan favourite characters. In comics they are soo cool and awesome in multiple way.
But to me 5 of the most loved champs from Marvel who are real let down at MCOC. I mean really.
~ i mean. Seriously. These four has a long history of being famous & globally loved. Yet they just Really such meeehhh..
Before anyone says that MCU is different Marvel comics is different. And these game is different. In terms of universe. Then can i ask why release two magneto? Or two daredavil?
I mean with the tags even. "Marvel now" & "Netflix" respectively. Or release every mcu character once their movie comes out. So that's not the case. This game is MARVEL. That's all. Both comics and movie based.
One of the most talked about topic since the game's release was why on earth Ghost rider doesn't have the ability to inflict and immunity from incenerate.
Everytime this topic hits the forum. Still now new players gets shocked by this fact. Statement were meant that they will not give him that ability. That's all.
Fine i guess. I wonder any of these 5 if they were to release now. What would happen.
There are some summoners who just straight up says anything just to make stupid nagging argument.
This is a community based game where discussion is a way to get connected. A lot of people doesn't even have that idea.
Back in the day i unfortunately joined an alliance where they passed a remark on how & here i quote "no one has the right to speak or criticise officer's choices"
I immediately left and said to hell with the season rewards. Again
Someone said "if people who criticise the game and it's issues they doesn't get nice champs. Those users are problem childs for the developers." - which is utter **** bdw. Cause they wouldn't have made the forum. Actually i am saying that I know the bugs which shut down a nice November and caused you folks a lot of problems. Both summoners and developers.
Is it okay to hault releasing new champs every month. And just focus on upgrading and buffing the old vintage ones?? We have way too many stuff on our plate. It's okay to go slow. Those who like playing these game will stick to it. Doesn't matter if they are free to play or paid. So why not stop releasing champ until February. And focus on some legit logical buffing of old OG fan favourites?


  • Sparta1893Sparta1893 Member Posts: 14
    Looking for logic at Kabam is absolutely misleading.
    If it weren't for MARVEL, the game would be gone. Because the way KABAM behaves towards the players, we can only last because of our addiction.
  • Thi101Thi101 Member Posts: 807 ★★★
    Storm as well ._.
  • AmytGAmytG Member Posts: 36
    I thought I'd write a summary for anyone who can't read that mess:
    Sentry, Daredevil, Deadpool, Magneto, and Gambit are all love throughout Marvel but they're let-downs. And when I mean Marvel, I mean all of Marvel, comics and movies, as evidenced by all the IW champs, Netflix DD, and so on. If these champs were released today, they'd suck, Yadda yadda, i have the right to say this.. In conclusion, we should stop releasing new characters for a good couple months and focus on buffing the OG characters.
    I tend to agree with this, however terribly it was worded. I think the original champions should be the best, or at the very least, not low mediocrity to be thrown by the wayside. Yeah, that's all I have to say.
  • 007md92007md92 Member Posts: 1,381 ★★★★
    Yes. You summed it up well.
    That's the point. Those who like playing. They will keep playing. Taking things slow for time being will help it gradually. Or else too many stuff togather will only result in this game running to the grounds. Burning out.
    New champs that are released. Free to play players doesn't have a chance to play with them not before 1 year. Even after new champs gets added to the basics.
    While most of the players are free to play and they are holding the mejority. While new champs are there with basics but still opening an OG doesn't hurt if they have their comics like gravity. I mean. That's why to balance things out you need to stop releasing new champs for time being. And focus on buffing two OG's every month. That will give you time to work out more on events and rewards and major bugs.
    That's all.
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