3* champs

I was wondering I have lots of 3* champs and some of them do look good. However I have a few 5* ( not many good ones) and good 4* and good potential 4* champs and just done Act 4 not fully explored.
Is it really worth ranking up any? Also it is more worth the ones that can regenerate? Ones in particular that could be useful I have (but not limited to)
Wolverine r3 duped
Blade r4 (not maxed) duped
Nebula r4 (not maxed) duped
Capt America iw r4 (not maxed) duped
Sabretooth r1 duped
Aergoenn R2 duped
Midnight prox r1 not duped
Scarlet witch r1 unduped
Spiderman og r 1 unduped
Spidergwen R2 duped
I do have a mystic wakening gem, science and 3 generic awakening
Is it really worth ranking up any? Also it is more worth the ones that can regenerate? Ones in particular that could be useful I have (but not limited to)
Wolverine r3 duped
Blade r4 (not maxed) duped
Nebula r4 (not maxed) duped
Capt America iw r4 (not maxed) duped
Sabretooth r1 duped
Aergoenn R2 duped
Midnight prox r1 not duped
Scarlet witch r1 unduped
Spiderman og r 1 unduped
Spidergwen R2 duped
I do have a mystic wakening gem, science and 3 generic awakening
These are all still good champs for that part of the game:
Blade r4 (not maxed) duped
Capt America iw r4 (not maxed) duped
Sabretooth r1 duped
Scarlet witch r1 unduped
Spidergwen R2 duped