I was just kicked out of my alliance yesterday, (through no fault of my own, just missed an AQ cause life is busy). will I still get the AW season rewards? I contributed to it during the 6 wars that were counted.
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I guess there are hundreds or thousands players lost their deserved rewards that way. So many things can change in 2 weeks.
Depending on what map they run that could prevent a clear or a boss takedown which does affect over all rewards for everyone else in the alliance
For my alliance, we also do 666x5 but dropped to 656x5 as 2 guys are overseas on holiday. Next week another guy is going on holiday so it's likely that we will run 656x5 again. Christmas period we will run 555x5 for 2 weeks to accommodate everyones' busier schedule for this period.
Important thing is communication and understanding from the leadership.
(At least you said something to your officers, or just stay +20 hours offline without notice, like happened to some in my ally?)
In my experience for the most part, people that don’t login to help could have logged in, they just couldn’t be bothered to make the effort on a “busy” day.
Imo you have 2 basic types of player.. those who don’t mind letting others down and are happy to piggy back on their teammates effort... and those who wouldn’t dream of letting their teammates down.
I mean seriously, who is so busy they can’t take 20 seconds to send a message in line app or whatever.
If rewards do not come out today, then this clearly interferes with the regular schedule of season ending and folks moving alliances.