well she does have high block prof + chance to steal health + 30-35% regen at 15% health. so overall she has about 30-32K health + health steal. i'll take higher block prof then health anyday.
well she does have high block prof + chance to steal health + 30-35% regen at 15% health. so overall she has about 30-32K health + health steal. i'll take higher block prof then health anyday.
Yeah, you might take the same % damage as a tanker champ like void on a parry, but you can heal her easier
As already mentioned, her block proficency and regen makes up for the low health. Aside from that though, you can't make every champ amazing in every way. G99 already has amazing damage, utility and as already mentioned, high sustainability. A high health pool would put her over the edge.
Very high damage and very low hp.
Guillotine 2099 has more health than she does.