Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Looking for a new good alliance!

Looking for a good alliance that will have an active player... look at my roster to see if I might be your new team player :) I am currently in a silver 2 alliance but tired of being one of few that all other relying on...

Looking forward to hear from you!


  • Options
    Jaymix79Jaymix79 Posts: 237 ★★★
    We are currently in need of two people. Silver 1 and hopefully gold this season.
    Run two maps. 4X5 and sometimes Map 5 during offseason.
    If interested the name is Fire Strike or in game Jaymix79~1 if you would like to talk.

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    kk71928kk71928 Posts: 45
    We could use you! Alliance tag LNRN. Find me on line kk71928.
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    TacoDougTacoDoug Posts: 138
    Look us up. We’re chill, run AQ and optional war. Spots open for anyone. £NAL is our tag
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    Marrero_504Marrero_504 Posts: 23
    If u haven't found an alliance yet 504LA is our tag. We are a silver 2 alliance looking to move up. Run maps 4,4,3 and sometimes run map5. 2 bgs in AW. If interested message me on line, marrero504. thanks
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    SaltygoodnessSaltygoodness Posts: 355 ★★
    Hi, feel free to look us up. We are Gold 2 alliance, running 54444 in 3 BGs. My Line is Saltygoodness
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    SilverfangSilverfang Posts: 7
    I am still looking for a nice alliance, I am active and looking to join at least gold 3 alliance, let me know if u want me =)
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    BahmbooBahmboo Posts: 13
    hey silver whats your name on mcoc?
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    Reign668Reign668 Posts: 136
    13.9mil ally, gold 3,
    Bg2 4×5
    Bg3 3×5
    We should be hitting 80mill in aq this round needing a few skilled member for maps 5 or 4.
    My line is reign668 pm me if interested
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    Reign668Reign668 Posts: 136

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    Hi! We are gold 2, line ID be-nice1754, would love to chat
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    Buck9studioBuck9studio Posts: 164
    We are always looking for more actives in OPTAs. Silver 1 3BG AW and 4/3/2 each day in AQ, hit me up in game
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    FiliFili Posts: 28
    What's ur ign or if u have line app?
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