New recruits and alliance management ideas.

I have a few ideas that could make managing an alliance easier. I doubt im the first one to think of this, but I wanted some feedback regardless.
1. When a new person enters an alliance they should have a "locked" designation. This means the player is unable to join Alliance wars or quest or contribute in any way. Alliance officers and leaders will be able to "unlock" these players to enable them to join those events and quests. This could be helpful in many ways.
Unlocking a player.
-allows them to join Alliance quests right away. Even if it has already begun.
-allows them to join Alliance wars assault in a Battle Group that is short a player or more.
Locking or leaving them locked gives us security. Allows us to make sure they know whats expected, or join our coms so we can communicate with them first before deciding to keep them or direct them to a bg for war or quest. IT WOULD FORCE THEM TO COMMUNICATE! Players cannot be locked after they have been unlocked!
2. A way to refund donations to players leaving or being booted from an alliance, or for donating the wrong donatable item. These people would only be entitled to what they donated.
3. Id like a bench. A place to keep second accounts or prospects that dont count towards any alliance events, quests, or being able to donate. People that we can swap with exsisting players if they go away for a few days to a week. Some players have second accounts. This would allow a player to be eligible for anything upon coming in off the bench. In case someone leaves the alliance before a war or quest or just goes away for a few days.
4. A way to remove players defensive champs in Alliance wars and champs in Alliance quests. So many times people join the wrong bg, or join with absolute garbage characters, or just forget a character. Sometimes they join an Alliance war or Quest and then leave the alliance! This would allow us to make room for a different person or fix any mistake or misjudgement by a player.
Its hard to manage a 30 person bg without any safe guards, or the ability to have more than 30 to provide back up. The in game chat is all but useless. We need something to protect ourselves. I know some would say lock your alliance. Invite only as a solution to some of this and I get it. Not everyone has the time or energy to recruit and manage 24/7. These suggestions at least allow us to fix player mistakes and manage our players in bgs. More importantly, force new recruits to communicate before being able to participate.
Thank you for your time.
1. When a new person enters an alliance they should have a "locked" designation. This means the player is unable to join Alliance wars or quest or contribute in any way. Alliance officers and leaders will be able to "unlock" these players to enable them to join those events and quests. This could be helpful in many ways.
Unlocking a player.
-allows them to join Alliance quests right away. Even if it has already begun.
-allows them to join Alliance wars assault in a Battle Group that is short a player or more.
Locking or leaving them locked gives us security. Allows us to make sure they know whats expected, or join our coms so we can communicate with them first before deciding to keep them or direct them to a bg for war or quest. IT WOULD FORCE THEM TO COMMUNICATE! Players cannot be locked after they have been unlocked!
2. A way to refund donations to players leaving or being booted from an alliance, or for donating the wrong donatable item. These people would only be entitled to what they donated.
3. Id like a bench. A place to keep second accounts or prospects that dont count towards any alliance events, quests, or being able to donate. People that we can swap with exsisting players if they go away for a few days to a week. Some players have second accounts. This would allow a player to be eligible for anything upon coming in off the bench. In case someone leaves the alliance before a war or quest or just goes away for a few days.
4. A way to remove players defensive champs in Alliance wars and champs in Alliance quests. So many times people join the wrong bg, or join with absolute garbage characters, or just forget a character. Sometimes they join an Alliance war or Quest and then leave the alliance! This would allow us to make room for a different person or fix any mistake or misjudgement by a player.
Its hard to manage a 30 person bg without any safe guards, or the ability to have more than 30 to provide back up. The in game chat is all but useless. We need something to protect ourselves. I know some would say lock your alliance. Invite only as a solution to some of this and I get it. Not everyone has the time or energy to recruit and manage 24/7. These suggestions at least allow us to fix player mistakes and manage our players in bgs. More importantly, force new recruits to communicate before being able to participate.
Thank you for your time.
There are members with much much higher rating than officers and a reason they are not made officers is to prevent sabotage by kicking every other member, ... well there are other reasons too.
If your member is not willing to listen, then maybe get members sharing the same goals. If I was in a group vested with powers which you suggested, I may leave.
In the group in which I am an officer, I face the same issues you explained. If the Leader accepts the status quo, I toe the line.
Anyway, your ideas are fair. I just voice my opinion on control going overboard.
Whats more interesting is that you do see both sides and yet make no plausible argument other than find like minded people. Ha. If i kicked everyone that didn't immediately join our line ap or respond in alliance chat. I wouldnt have much of an alliance. The only control officers and leaders have over their alliance is the ability to kick, invite, and start aw or aq. Thats it. I for one would like to see alliances have better tools to help accomodate players and themselves.