Looking for a retirement alliance

I’m a veteran player that is mostly focused on my family and work. I do play daily and can do AQ map 5 with ease. I’m looking for a relaxed environment that doesn’t require AW the line app or clan HQ


  • AlvinAlvin Member Posts: 3
    You are welcome to join my ally: SWYPE
  • Whiteboyprime1Whiteboyprime1 Member Posts: 12
    Low pressure alliance here run map 4 so no donations no requirements mostly vets to the game who play for fun but still max out most events. In game name is Whiteboy prime friend me if interested or have any questions
  • DesNutz81DesNutz81 Member Posts: 17
    We run Map 5x5 and AW optional, if interested PM legendofloso on LINE app
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