Solo Gifting Event - Leaderboard?

Anyone else not seeing the Solo Gifting Event listed under the Finished tab in the events window? I see the Alliance one when I look at Finished, but no the individual event.
Where I stand is moot. My percentage range is all that matters.
If MMXIV cheated, I hope they get permanently banned.
Same goes for Asgard.
Some of the Asgard members have said they talked with Kabam and they were told they just needed to be in the alliance before gifting ended, so none of them were kicked, but purposely left
Personally kabam should have locked gifting event to a 14 day event and you had to be in allaince the entire 14 days to get rewards or have points count.
The team that won were the most prepared and creative in their approach following the lack of rules and regulations the event had in place.
Overall, remove this bs, the gifting event was great. Personally I went from being close to one rank up to being able to do multiple and I spent $15 and grinded some arena. Can’t beat that when comparing it to normal deals that come out