It's possible. Blade can go agains almost everyone, with safety (bring ghost rider for the synergy against juggernaut and rhino). Against Vision, you can use Stark spider for example. He also increases the potency of Blade's danger sense ability. And against Wolverine, Void and Human Torch work great if you know how to reverse his healing.
If you can get past Wolverine, the rest isn't too bad. People that have been playing the game for a while had to use 3 stars. I used a 3 star guillotine for wolverine, a 4 star starlord for everything else. My crit team was Juggs, Col and hulk.
Yeah, I did it back in the day with wolverine as my main fighter since he had the sustainability to not need potions. Then used Guilly for the wolverine fight for heal reversal since she was the only one who could do it. Omega isn’t as easily sustainable as wolverine but he’s got way better damage. And human torch will absolutely decimate wolverine with his healing reversal. Use medium-light-medium combos to maximize his incinerates and you’ll get through no problem.
Blade can go agains almost everyone, with safety (bring ghost rider for the synergy against juggernaut and rhino). Against Vision, you can use Stark spider for example. He also increases the potency of Blade's danger sense ability.
And against Wolverine, Void and Human Torch work great if you know how to reverse his healing.