Most annoying defenders

This is mine.
Mystic: Magik, Mordo (with his dumb evade), Dr Doom
Skill: Korg, Black Panther CW, Classic Daredevil (evading stuff), Nick Fury
Mutant: Domino (crit failure is such a pain), Mister Sinister, Iceman (If u don't have a Coldsnap immune champ, his coldsnap and the start of the fight is annoying af)
Cosmic: Annihilus, Captain Marvel Movie
Tech: Iron Man IW (Dumb armor and auto block), Red Skull, Sentinel (at 100 analysis charges), Warlock
Science: MODOK (auto block annoyance) Thing (when he goes unstoppable he just beats me to pulp in a corner, i can't do anything), Mister Fantastic, Wasp (evade), Spider Gwen (evade)
Mystic: Magik, Mordo (with his dumb evade), Dr Doom
Skill: Korg, Black Panther CW, Classic Daredevil (evading stuff), Nick Fury
Mutant: Domino (crit failure is such a pain), Mister Sinister, Iceman (If u don't have a Coldsnap immune champ, his coldsnap and the start of the fight is annoying af)
Cosmic: Annihilus, Captain Marvel Movie
Tech: Iron Man IW (Dumb armor and auto block), Red Skull, Sentinel (at 100 analysis charges), Warlock
Science: MODOK (auto block annoyance) Thing (when he goes unstoppable he just beats me to pulp in a corner, i can't do anything), Mister Fantastic, Wasp (evade), Spider Gwen (evade)
Science: thing
Mutant: havok
Tech: imiw
Cosmic: Hyperion
Mystic: mordo
Mutant - domino
Tech - guilly 2099
Cosmic - annihilus
Mystic - dorm
Science- invisible woman