If you have a r4 5* or 6* nebula, the fight is pretty easy and over quickly. 8 shock charges shuts down all of sentinels abilities, get to 20 stacks and fire off an L2 twice he should be just about dead.
I've got a 5* duped nebula at rank 3 if that will do, I've also got proxima 5* rank 3 and I think her synergy gives nebula 10 shocks at the start of the fight
dont take nebula your ghost or hype should ruin him he's nothing but just a massive piece of health
I can't see a good counter for havok thats just me someone else might be able to suggest you one or you might already have someone you use and I can't see him
Doesnt bode well for me, I've never been a fan of fighting Havok
Any champ will work on sentinel but the fights can be very long. Build up his analysis on purpose and you can essentially just bait L1 and punish over and over........and over and over and over. Don't worry about using specials. It only screws you up.
I solo'd him several times with SL on a 200 hit combo and no specials.
Honestly some of the paths are much harder than the boss. Just pick a path that works well with your team.
I solo'd him several times with SL on a 200 hit combo and no specials.
Honestly some of the paths are much harder than the boss. Just pick a path that works well with your team.