Best Of These 6 5* Champs?

Just pulled recently. All unduped and haven’t played them much. In general, who’s worth resources and most fun to play? Appreciate any comments!
Best Of These 6 5* Champs? 28 votes
Wasp can do great damage and it's really fun to chain those heavies into her attack rotations.
Old Man Logan is much better than he used to be and can unload awesome damage but you have to play very aggressively, especially when he's not woke.
Ghost Rider is a utility god, especially for AQ. He's bleed immune and with his rotations can inflict bleed, fate seal and power drain, plus a reliable Regen. He was my first R5 4*, now have him woke 4/55 5* and he's always my immediate first choice into AQ. Once you have Blade, he just gets better.
Human Torch has some great damage but his primary utility is simply hamstringing mystic champs to the point where fighting him with a mystic is virtual suicide.
Emma Frost has got some great power and great immune utility, especially whilst in Diamond Form.
Dark Hawk is another solid Utility champ, he's a robot so has useful immunities but he is a bit fiddly to work.
Of your list, I'd focus on Ghost Rider to start with because he's going to carry you though a LOT of content as a reliable champion and then you have the rest of the champion slots for other opponent-specific counters (e.g. evaders, other immunities) because GR will just carry you though all the regular fights. Make sure you learn the rotations of his judgements - I know Seatin has a good video of it, and Lagacy does as well.
Going in blind i d say EF is the best since she adds quite a lot to the table. Immunities to almost everything in diamond form. Some kind of power control with her heavy and ignoring evade in telepath form.
I like HT quite a bit, he is great on specific match ups vs mystics, energy damage dealers and wherever you activate his prefight and just decent on all the rest. Seems to me more of a niche champion that you should consider ranking up after you have enough high ranked 5s.
Wasp is a huge damage dealer but you have to not parry cause her block proficiency is very very low.
Haven't tested new oml much but the little i ve seen i really like him. Good damage, crazy sustainability.
Darkhawk is fine with double immunity and some other little perks but he requires too much to be great. High sig + synergy are kinda essential.
Ghost rider as already mentioned is a great utility tool but his damage is way too low for my liking especially unawakened.