SymSupreme Awakened abiltiy

How important is his awakened ability to properly make this champion shine?
I'm looking to tackle 6.2 champion soon, and I (luckily) have SymSupreme as an unduped 6*, or as a duped 5* 3/45.
I could take the 5* to r5 potentially, or the 6* to r2.
Unless they dont quite need it for this fight.
I'm also missing CAIW from my roster, so I'm open to "best alternative options" below the 10% threshold.
I'm looking to tackle 6.2 champion soon, and I (luckily) have SymSupreme as an unduped 6*, or as a duped 5* 3/45.
I could take the 5* to r5 potentially, or the 6* to r2.
Unless they dont quite need it for this fight.
I'm also missing CAIW from my roster, so I'm open to "best alternative options" below the 10% threshold.
The last 10% just depends on how quickly you get the timing down to dash in and dex away from his SP1 if you don’t have someone like Cap IW. There will be some who have got that timing down quickly, but it isn’t easy and you shouldn’t be surprised if you struggle. It’s still perfectly possible to do it with SS or a range of champions if you don’t have a direct counter for it though. And obviously the awakened ability doesn’t help with that.