Permanently muted without warning (I'd like to offer a suggestion)

TO_BeatzTO_Beatz Member Posts: 73
So last week I've been permanently muted for saying some "inappropriate" things. Although I'm not here to defend my actions, I do believe that the punishment I've received was not justified. As for the reason why I was muted, I'd like to offer some context. I'm the type of person on global who enjoys cracking jokes and making people laugh. I may get carried away sometimes and say something outlandish but I've never resorted to making jokes about certain topics such as race, death or anything controversial topics of that nature (can't say the same for the dozens of people on global who joke about those things on a daily basis). So the last thing I said before I got muted was "farq them dolphins" with a cute little emoticon sticking up the middle finger which was in response to when someone who I chat with often jokingly said "save the dolphins". No one on global chat got offended over my statement but I guess a few lurkers decided to report me. I'm not saying what I said shouldn't warrant any sort of repercussions but I do think a permanent ban is a bit excessive for something so minor in comparison to what a lot of people on global say on a daily basis.

I say all this to say, I think Kabam should offer a 3 strike rule and send out warning emails notifying us whenever we break a rule. Giving out permanent mutes over one or two minor offenses is unjust in my opinion and I think Kabam should rethink the way they punish players who've broken the rules. If there's any way I can get unmuted as a one time courtesy that would be great. If not, that's fine too. But I want there to be a discussion about why so many players who spew racist and hateful rhetoric are still allowed to say what they say but players who make a few crude jokes (like me) end up getting permanently banned for something so petty.


  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,944 ★★★★★
    Why? You're adult enough to use the forums, you're adult enough not to break the rules. Much younger kids play this game and probably don't need to read what you were putting. Probably best you can't add to that already toxic chat.
  • TO_BeatzTO_Beatz Member Posts: 73
    edited July 2019

    Why? You're adult enough to use the forums, you're adult enough not to break the rules. Much younger kids play this game and probably don't need to read what you were putting. Probably best you can't add to that already toxic chat.

    Clearly you don't understand the point that I was trying to make. Let's equate this to a real life scenario. So let's say I go to a bar one day and I had too much to drink. I get a little rowdy and end up getting into a fight. The police are called and I end up get arrested. Would it be justified if I was given life in prison for this?

    Also forgot to mention that being muted prevents me from communicating with my in-game friends and random dungeon partners which I care more about than being able to chat on global again.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,944 ★★★★★
    Still disagree with you. Gobal needs cleaned up. You knew what you were doing when you sent the message. Deal with consequences.
  • TO_BeatzTO_Beatz Member Posts: 73

    Still disagree with you. Gobal needs cleaned up. You knew what you were doing when you sent the message. Deal with consequences.

    I've mentioned that I've made a mistake and I deserved some sort of punishment but a permanent ban was definitely excessive for what I've done considering how many toxic players there are on global chat who are still able to chat.

    Plus, not everyone is a saint like you ;)
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,944 ★★★★★
    Not a saint. I don't use global because theres never anything of substance being said there.
  • TO_BeatzTO_Beatz Member Posts: 73

    Not a saint. I don't use global because theres never anything of substance being said there.

    You might assume that I'm one of those toxic people on global chat but I'm actually not. I do help players out fairly often when I'm not making jokes or acting a fool and I've always refrained from insulting/talking down on other players.
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  • ShiaaaaaaaShiaaaaaaa Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2019
    My friend I'd is parmanenet banned please reopen my friend I'd please , he's game name Rahul thagreat, please kabam give me back my friend , give me last chance please kabam please
  • OzballOzball Member Posts: 6
    I completely agree with Demonzfyre... Global has so many issues in many, many different areas and needs cleaning up but throwing out permanent mutes to whoever they feel like is NOT the way to fix things and will only result in hastening the death of this once great game... I've played since the beginning and can confidently say the chat aspect is one of the main things that sets it apart from others and contributes to it's popularity no end.. it's so many things to so many people.. a place to recruit yeah and talk superheros and movies , learn, share etc.. to others, a toxic wasteground and that's a fair opinion ( although they can just disable it rather than report players and police it based on their own hypocritical views ).. to some players though, usually longer standing players.. the loyal veterans and hopeless addicts ,a it's more... it's like a ... community?.. with familiar faces and long standing friendships, a place to find support and guidance for real world stuff , an escape from loneliness , a place for validation or just to say weird things, make people laugh, or just looking to be cheered up after a bad day, cos global is always there...ridiculous thought eh?.. well no it's not, I myself met my wife of 3 yrs on global.. she lived 3000 miles away at the time. The importance of global shouldn't be underestimated or policed by snowflakes and individual opinions over things that are taken in the wrong context... I feel very protective over global, it's the last remaining shred of interest and relevance left in this game for me and the only thing that keeps me logging in. It used to be so much more but needs fixing now I agree, purely down to lack of interest by kabam.. But this is not the way.. bullies and toxic people are not being muted, it's the people who are standing up to them who are because they get reported by those toxic people and are (technically) against t&c.. it sometimes seems completely at random ... but this is just another cheap quick fix solution by kabam so they can appear to care while concentrating purely on income..which doesn't consider the long term effects , it doesn't affect profit so do the easiest thing. That should be their motto... I'm betting profits are already down from previous yrs and their scratching their heads as to why while thinking up new bugs and glitches , or other ways to boost flailing profits... IT'S EASY KABAM... LISTEN TO THE COMMUNITY, FORGET QUICK PROFIT , YOU MAKE ENOUGH, FIX THE GENUINE ISSUES WITH IT RATHER THAN SCAMMING YOUR OWN CUSTOMERS FOR A QUICK RETURN... and just take a bit of pride back in a game that brings together so many people from all walks of life.. or it will steadily decline into lawsuits and toxicity...Oh yeah ... and 're instate my chat plz... its .•Ozball•. You know me..... I'm your last line of defence against bullies and idiots..
  • OzballOzball Member Posts: 6
    Actually, on second thought... don't bother, I'm glad to be rid of this godforsaken game.. ive wasted far too much time and money in it and tbh kabams contemptuous attitude to it's own customers literally makes me wanna throw up and some of your practices are borderline illegal.. I mean according to your logic... it's ok for players of whatever age to commit international credit card fraud as long you get paid, but not swear on global chat ?.. the hypocrisy there is off the chart...
  • OzballOzball Member Posts: 6
    I got the name wrong too.. beats , I agree with you not demon... he's the perfect example of what's destroying this.... the holyer than thou attitude as if he's never sw9re in his life but bullied kids left right and Centers in school then cried to teacher
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