Game advancements and suggestions
Here are some suggestions I think will help overall:
1. Increase max level from 60 to 75.
From levels 61-64 &66-74 players get 100k-150k gold, 1 mastery point, 2 level 4 healing potions, and 1500 tier 4 or 5 basic catalyst.
Levels 65 & 75 will get above items as well as 1 of each type mastery core, 50 units and at level 75 reduce energy refresh time to 5 min instead of 6.
2. Make alliance class specialist match up with daily class events to help alliances maximize use of champs. ( mystic day = science specialist, science day = skill specialist, etc)
3. On sundays instead of having the collectors catalyst, change it to a halls of healing or gold event or both.
4. With adjustments to potions recently, you should make the conversion from lower potions to higher potions available in the store and have it remain permanent.
5. For the monthly calendar champion instead of it being a specific champion why not just make it a class crystal for either a 3 or 4 star. This way players have better chance to add to their rosters.
6. In global chat add an option just to send personal message to another player without them being in your friends list.
1. Increase max level from 60 to 75.
From levels 61-64 &66-74 players get 100k-150k gold, 1 mastery point, 2 level 4 healing potions, and 1500 tier 4 or 5 basic catalyst.
Levels 65 & 75 will get above items as well as 1 of each type mastery core, 50 units and at level 75 reduce energy refresh time to 5 min instead of 6.
2. Make alliance class specialist match up with daily class events to help alliances maximize use of champs. ( mystic day = science specialist, science day = skill specialist, etc)
3. On sundays instead of having the collectors catalyst, change it to a halls of healing or gold event or both.
4. With adjustments to potions recently, you should make the conversion from lower potions to higher potions available in the store and have it remain permanent.
5. For the monthly calendar champion instead of it being a specific champion why not just make it a class crystal for either a 3 or 4 star. This way players have better chance to add to their rosters.
6. In global chat add an option just to send personal message to another player without them being in your friends list.
"Idea! let's give out free stuff for no real reason .. " O.o
I'm ok with the idea of the level cap increased .. but where on earth does the rest of that "stuff" come from? What sort of justification is there for it ?
You are aware of the monthly calendar, right? We already get a LOT of free stuff ..
(I mean, I'd love the free stuff as well . but it's just not realistic ..
They should find something else to put in there .. or fix the rewards of it .. ... something .. anything .. LOL I'm neutral on this. I'd love this as much as anyone, however, I do see their purpose behind limiting it .. having it available .. sometimes, is fine ... *shrug*
permanent .. would be too easy to abuse ... ? don't understand this ... what's wrong with having a specific, fixed champion ?
Making it a crystal, and now some get lucky with a Corvus, somebody else get's a Hulkbuster .. then we're back here yelling at Kabam.
Nah, leave it .. it's fine.
I've never visited global chat since I started playing (2015) .. so ... no comment.
Being able to do that without getting insulted/yelled/trolled is a good thing.
it's a shame the default response around here is usually "Bad idea, you suck!" O.o
(wait for it .... )