Urgent asking for strategy to beat Morningstar

In everybody loves deadpool, heroic difficulty, when Morningstar health runs to 1%, I cannot hurt her anymore.


  • te_dua_shumte_dua_shum Member Posts: 1,001 ★★★★
    you need an heavy to remove the indestructible buff: try to remove it before it expires or MS will regen 20% health; don't try to nullify the buff too, or MS will regen the same ^_^
  • NamNamPlanetNamNamPlanet Member Posts: 5
    thanks for the suggestions, and which characters are ideal for the fight ?
  • te_dua_shumte_dua_shum Member Posts: 1,001 ★★★★
    any bleed immune champion that doesn't procs fury, regen or power gain buffs is good (even better if it has a multi-hit heavy): colossus is a good choice, because his playstyle is based on heavies; cap IW is great even if not bleed immune, he can kill the opponent very quickly (and if duped and with a skill teammate he can purify the bleed); thing will melt her, and so could do iceman and warlock (with the last one only use the heavy to kill MS, or she will gain power). blade activates danger sense against her, so he can kill her fast, just don't parry nor use specials. These are just a couple of champions, but really any bleed immune champion can kill her ^_^
  • NamNamPlanetNamNamPlanet Member Posts: 5
    Finally, I defect her. However, I'm not so sure how I did it^0^"
    I use old man Logan at 1st attempt. In the 2and round, I use 4* Human torch. Finally, I gave her a heavy punch and finished her. Thanks for your help^_^
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