Best Thing counter ever?

Did Arena and had to use Crossbones against Thing.
Easiest Thing fight I have ever done.
Turned on Overrun immediately and just kept hitting.
Thing never generated ANY Buffs/Rockstacks/etc.
Easiest Thing fight I have ever done.
Turned on Overrun immediately and just kept hitting.
Thing never generated ANY Buffs/Rockstacks/etc.
That is what I did, and then just kept hitting and proc'ing fury.
Never had a single rockstack.
22% Defensive AA reduction per fury, Overrun is 3 furies (66%).
5 furies gets 110% reduction and is easy to achieve for most of fight with him.
but probably a safe assumption that more people have SG and She Hulk.
And I don't hear too much about she hulk anymore after they adjusted her heavy after medium timing.
But to the OP, Nick Fury and gwenpool are fantastic against Thing as long as Thing doesn't have something like empowered immunity on him
Steath Spidey is probably the best
Vtd is also really good.