Energy Package Sold One Week Before giving out 10 Energy

Phone2312Phone2312 Member Posts: 87

I purchased the energy package two weeks ago for $4.99 for 10 full energies. One week later your team is giving out the same energy for free. Whoever purchased the package is going to be in the overflow. Please refund or provide other compensation.


  • Phone2312Phone2312 Member Posts: 87
    Nm it is actually 14 full energies that is being given out for free. How is some who purchase the previous ten supposed to use that before it all expires??? Another solution is to increase the amount of energy that can be stored or decrease the expiration.
  • Phone2312Phone2312 Member Posts: 87

  • Phone2312Phone2312 Member Posts: 87

  • DesertStoneDesertStone Member Posts: 7
    Steelman why don't you stop being a kabam fangirl and mind your own business!!!
  • Zura_KotaroZura_Kotaro Member Posts: 13
    I think this all happened because of the COVID-19 CORONA-VIRUS outbreak... People are at home, many forum posts have been made by players asking for extra content or energy refills something to do while staying at home...

    I don't think anyone should have a problem with surplus of energy...
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    Oh man... why did you buy those extra refills!?!? Dang. I guess someone forced you to buy them.

    Wait.. you’re complaining about getting 14 free refills because you bought 10? And you’re gonna ask for a refund for something that you bought on YOUR own free will? Geez.
  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    I'm sorry but we will not be giving refunds for previously purchased items.
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