Bug with reviving Nick Fury?!?!

@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Porthos
So I finally got a Nick Fury the other day, awakened him and been trying to figure out his mechanics and whatnot and noticed something..... once Nick Fury is knocked out (after life model decoy) and you revive him with a potion he should revive to pre-decoy status, however it starts in life model decoy mode everytime. Is this a bug? If not it should be looked into because when using a revive you are reviving "the champ" not the champ's signature ability. Please look into this.
So I finally got a Nick Fury the other day, awakened him and been trying to figure out his mechanics and whatnot and noticed something..... once Nick Fury is knocked out (after life model decoy) and you revive him with a potion he should revive to pre-decoy status, however it starts in life model decoy mode everytime. Is this a bug? If not it should be looked into because when using a revive you are reviving "the champ" not the champ's signature ability. Please look into this.
Your terminology is a little confusing. To be clear, let's say you take an awakened Nick Fury into a quest.
When you enter your first fight, you're actually controlling a Life Model Decoy (LMD). You win this fight and go to the next fight. You're still controlling the LMD. However, during this fight, your health gets dropped to zero and then suddenly shoots up to 100%, then starts dropping slowly to 30%. When this happens, the LMD is destroyed and now you're controlling the real Nick Fury. This Nick Fury can't sustain health over 30% and has a permanent duration Fury buff.
Once your LMD is destroyed in a quest, there is no way to get it back.
So there's LMD mode and Real Nick Fury mode. I think you're mixing the two up in your post and wanted to help clear this up.