Mastery profile & update

Hi all,
A while ago I read about the mastery system receiving an update, we would be able to set up different mastery profiles and switch between them more easily.
I could not find the original post anymore but thought that was an awesome idea. Since nothing happened, I was wondering if that was an official info and if this is still going to be implemented? and when? Since I am planning to adapt my masteries to newer quests, it would be annoying to spend units just before this goes online.
Thanks for keeping us updated!
A while ago I read about the mastery system receiving an update, we would be able to set up different mastery profiles and switch between them more easily.
I could not find the original post anymore but thought that was an awesome idea. Since nothing happened, I was wondering if that was an official info and if this is still going to be implemented? and when? Since I am planning to adapt my masteries to newer quests, it would be annoying to spend units just before this goes online.
Thanks for keeping us updated!