After Fight Game crashes

My account is SEALteam6 and I was trying to complete realm of legends run for the first time. I had been saving up units for months to be able to do this. Realm of legends rewards was going to help me rank up 5 star colossus to rank 4. I started with 836 units and ended up with 16 units. I was fighting hulk and after many attempts beat him with my 5 star colossus and the network crashed. Before it could give me the rewards the network was down and I wanted for 20 minutes and nothing happened so i exited the app and restarted it. When I came back to the app my Realm of legends run progress was completely gone. I have no before pic because I have no reason to have one. I think this is a very big bug and I deserve some kind of compensation from it. Now I have 16 units and no rewards from realm of legends which would have helped me go uncollected. You guys need to figure out this bug.

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