Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

LF active players to fill up 3rd BG

Pushing to reach Gold 3, currently Silver 1. Just need solid active players who want to compete and grow, that’s the requirement.

Hit me up on line if you are interested



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    Tried to find you in Line but user not found (check display vs ID).
    We are actually now up to 15 and have a couple of game vets. But thanks for the offer
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    RioSmith11RioSmith11 Posts: 80

    Tried to find you in Line but user not found (check display vs ID).
    We are actually now up to 15 and have a couple of game vets. But thanks for the offer

    Sorry fixed! Lol should be able to find me now. Thanks for the heads up.

    Let me know if you change your mind

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    RioSmith11RioSmith11 Posts: 80
    edited April 2020
    Still have space open. Growing alliance with multiple players over 1mil PI. Just need a few more active members to even out a BG3 and we will skyrocket.
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