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Buff Idea For Killmonger

Killmonger has some good utility, but his damage is low. So, I was thinking, what if he gained an amount of additional attack for every indestructible buff (which could also increase his bleed damage)? It would be a simple, effective way to make him stronger. Sure, you could just increase his base stats instead, but this way you’d have to play skillfully in order to get the most out of him (remember that he loses an indestructible every time he’s hit, even if it’s a blocked hit. That means you’d have to rely on intercepts rather than parry to get the most damage out of him). As a bonus, those CW Black Panthers gathering dust in everyone’s collection could actually have some use too because of the synergy that gives Killmonger a couple indestructible buffs at the start of each fight. Kabam, please give this some consideration.

If you wanted to give him an even bigger buff then, in addition to the additional attack per indestructible, either increase his chance to inflict bleed and/or allow the ability on the sp3 to be used more than once.


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    Grooteus_MaximusGrooteus_Maximus Posts: 105
    KM is fine.
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    Lvernon15Lvernon15 Posts: 11,596 ★★★★★
    He doesn’t need a buff, he’s underrated as is imo
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    Mrspider568Mrspider568 Posts: 2,002 ★★★
    I agree with he is fine he even has sp3 ability and true strike and the abilty to survive a sp3
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    SHIELD_Agent_10SHIELD_Agent_10 Posts: 17
    I never said he was bad or that he’s unplayable as he is now. He has great utility and because of that he’s been a staple on my war team for so long. What I’ve noticed from playing him so much, though, is that his damage is considerably lower than most. Even when boosted, I’ve timed out or have come close to it when fighting the final war boss more times than with any other champ that I consistently use.
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    SHIELD_Agent_10SHIELD_Agent_10 Posts: 17
    When I said “buff” in the title, I meant it more as a tweak to give him a little attack boost when played skillfully. I didn’t mean an overhaul buff like Colossus or Hulkbuster.
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    RockypantherxRockypantherx Posts: 3,902 ★★★★★
    Killlmongers damage is similar to Iceman’s and Ghost Rider’s if he’s awakened with a high sig. He’s fine as is and is a solid ‘god tier’ champ. Don’t listen to anyone that tells you he isn’t.
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    PennsyltuckyPennsyltucky Posts: 63
    I agree with the og poster. Killmonger is terrible
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    FeroX_the_fat_heringFeroX_the_fat_hering Posts: 311 ★★
    He is on my main team, picked him over blade, he is awesome as he is
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    PennsyltuckyPennsyltucky Posts: 63

    He is on my main team, picked him over blade, he is awesome as he is

    Ever see the damage output comparing him to cyclops? And how cyclops trounces him. And that's cyclops. Not even a good champ
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    Lvernon15Lvernon15 Posts: 11,596 ★★★★★

    He is on my main team, picked him over blade, he is awesome as he is

    Ever see the damage output comparing him to cyclops? And how cyclops trounces him. And that's cyclops. Not even a good champ
    Have you ever seen proper killmonger gameplay with a high sig? That was poor gameplay with a sig 20 killmonger, sig 200 with good gameplay easily hits 60-80% harder than that
  • Options
    RockypantherxRockypantherx Posts: 3,902 ★★★★★

    He is on my main team, picked him over blade, he is awesome as he is

    Ever see the damage output comparing him to cyclops? And how cyclops trounces him. And that's cyclops. Not even a good champ
    That was a poor video and I would have expected better quality from its creator. It showcases a complete lack of understanding about the champion’s basic abilities. Killmonger at a high sig hits much harder

  • Options
    PennsyltuckyPennsyltucky Posts: 63
    Lvernon15 said:

    He is on my main team, picked him over blade, he is awesome as he is

    Ever see the damage output comparing him to cyclops? And how cyclops trounces him. And that's cyclops. Not even a good champ
    Have you ever seen proper killmonger gameplay with a high sig? That was poor gameplay with a sig 20 killmonger, sig 200 with good gameplay easily hits 60-80% harder than that
    So what you're saying is kabam is your employer and you need high sig to be effective? Did i read that right?
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    Grooteus_MaximusGrooteus_Maximus Posts: 105

    He is on my main team, picked him over blade, he is awesome as he is

    Ever see the damage output comparing him to cyclops? And how cyclops trounces him. And that's cyclops. Not even a good champ
    By that logic, Corvus is awful and Ebony Maw is gawd.
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    SHIELD_Agent_10SHIELD_Agent_10 Posts: 17
    While I did forget that he gains some attack rating when awakened, I find it suspicious that nobody thought that a skill based idea to give him a little extra boost wasn’t at least a little intriguing and that everyone’s response is exactly the same. 🤔
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    Grooteus_MaximusGrooteus_Maximus Posts: 105

    While I did forget that he gains some attack rating when awakened, I find it suspicious that nobody thought that a skill based idea to give him a little extra boost wasn’t at least a little intriguing and that everyone’s response is exactly the same. 🤔

    It's not that. It's just that KM is perfectly fine. His kit is really versatile and underused. People always seem to forget about his insane power gain when receiving any type of debuff (albeit armor break). He can shoot off specials almost constantly.
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    Mathking13Mathking13 Posts: 988 ★★★
    Killmonger can put out a ton more damage than most people give him credit for. Seatin can't play Killmonger for the life of him if that Killmonger vs Cyclops video is anything to go off of. Throw his sp2 when you have Reverberation (the phase of his armor with the weird image thing) AND True Strike, and you're gonna pump out some pretty awesome numbers.

    Seriously if there are two things that rub me the wrong way with this community, it's these two things:
    1. when someone doesn't read stuff and then comes to complain about the thing they didn't read about.
    2. when people take Seatin's videos as absolute truth. Guys seatin is NOT the best player ever, he never even claims to be. In this case he just didn't do the research on how to play Killmonger. Read the comments section on that video; it is FULL of people telling him he played the guy wrong.
  • Options
    PennsyltuckyPennsyltucky Posts: 63

    He is on my main team, picked him over blade, he is awesome as he is

    Ever see the damage output comparing him to cyclops? And how cyclops trounces him. And that's cyclops. Not even a good champ
    By that logic, Corvus is awful and Ebony Maw is gawd.
    By that logic blade is worse than killmonger?
  • Options
    PennsyltuckyPennsyltucky Posts: 63

    Killmonger can put out a ton more damage than most people give him credit for. Seatin can't play Killmonger for the life of him if that Killmonger vs Cyclops video is anything to go off of. Throw his sp2 when you have Reverberation (the phase of his armor with the weird image thing) AND True Strike, and you're gonna pump out some pretty awesome numbers.

    Seriously if there are two things that rub me the wrong way with this community, it's these two things:
    1. when someone doesn't read stuff and then comes to complain about the thing they didn't read about.
    2. when people take Seatin's videos as absolute truth. Guys seatin is NOT the best player ever, he never even claims to be. In this case he just didn't do the research on how to play Killmonger. Read the comments section on that video; it is FULL of people telling him he played the guy wrong.

    I didn't know you worked for kabam too. Does everybody in here work for kabam? Or is this just a classic kaboning
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    PennsyltuckyPennsyltucky Posts: 63
    I've also never seen the video. I am just here to stir the pot. I don't support youtubers and their buffoonery
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    Lvernon15Lvernon15 Posts: 11,596 ★★★★★

    Lvernon15 said:

    He is on my main team, picked him over blade, he is awesome as he is

    Ever see the damage output comparing him to cyclops? And how cyclops trounces him. And that's cyclops. Not even a good champ
    Have you ever seen proper killmonger gameplay with a high sig? That was poor gameplay with a sig 20 killmonger, sig 200 with good gameplay easily hits 60-80% harder than that
    So what you're saying is kabam is your employer and you need high sig to be effective? Did i read that right?
    No you didnt
  • Options
    PennsyltuckyPennsyltucky Posts: 63
    Lvernon15 said:

    Lvernon15 said:

    He is on my main team, picked him over blade, he is awesome as he is

    Ever see the damage output comparing him to cyclops? And how cyclops trounces him. And that's cyclops. Not even a good champ
    Have you ever seen proper killmonger gameplay with a high sig? That was poor gameplay with a sig 20 killmonger, sig 200 with good gameplay easily hits 60-80% harder than that
    So what you're saying is kabam is your employer and you need high sig to be effective? Did i read that right?
    No you didnt
    Sorry I tried to read it again and I got the same thing. English isn't my native language though. Can you say it in Spanish?
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    Uncle_Fatty_247Uncle_Fatty_247 Posts: 347 ★★
    If you don’t play a champ correctly, of course they’re going to be terrible in your opinion.

    For example, ppl that think using Ghost or Quake as button-mashers, yeah they would suck.

    - Kabam employee 🙄
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    RockypantherxRockypantherx Posts: 3,902 ★★★★★

    Lvernon15 said:

    He is on my main team, picked him over blade, he is awesome as he is

    Ever see the damage output comparing him to cyclops? And how cyclops trounces him. And that's cyclops. Not even a good champ
    Have you ever seen proper killmonger gameplay with a high sig? That was poor gameplay with a sig 20 killmonger, sig 200 with good gameplay easily hits 60-80% harder than that
    So what you're saying is kabam is your employer and you need high sig to be effective? Did i read that right?
    You did indeed. How’d you figure it out?!

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    SHIELD_Agent_10SHIELD_Agent_10 Posts: 17
    I still think my original post is being misinterpreted, or maybe not even read at all. Again, I’m not suggesting KM needs an overhaul like Hulkbuster is right now or that he should be hitting as hard as Aegon. Just a little extra boost for playing skillfully by only intercepting with indestructible buffs active. Even if it’s not necessary it’s at least a well thought out and interesting idea, right? You can still disagree with the fact that KM needs any changes while still acknowledging that the idea is at least somewhat intriguing. The fact that CWBP would be useful with this idea because of the synergy has to count for something, right? 😂
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    FeroX_the_fat_heringFeroX_the_fat_hering Posts: 311 ★★

    I still think my original post is being misinterpreted, or maybe not even read at all. Again, I’m not suggesting KM needs an overhaul like Hulkbuster is right now or that he should be hitting as hard as Aegon. Just a little extra boost for playing skillfully by only intercepting with indestructible buffs active. Even if it’s not necessary it’s at least a well thought out and interesting idea, right? You can still disagree with the fact that KM needs any changes while still acknowledging that the idea is at least somewhat intriguing. The fact that CWBP would be useful with this idea because of the synergy has to count for something, right? 😂

    You keep repeating yourself

    Killmonger players are fine with how he is
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    PotatolegionPotatolegion Posts: 290 ★★
    edited May 2020
    Compared to other champions, Killmonger is definitely not top priority for buffs. There are champions like Abomination or Groot that haven't been touched since release and champions like Juggernaut that are practically useless. Killmonger, while I agree he doesn't deal that much damage, still has uses (for example, he's a good defender).
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    Pancake_FacePancake_Face Posts: 1,390 ★★★★
    he's fine buff groot
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