Captain Marvel Abyss Update

MrMac1MrMac1 Member Posts: 16
Now that Captain Marvel (Movie) in the Abyss is taking proper direct damage, as documented by Lagacy in a recent video, when generating charges from mystic champs, she is significantly easier. Those of us who have done Abyss runs before she was fixed used a very significant number of revives on that fight. Is it possible to have some sort of compensation for this, since she was broken?


  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,593 ★★★★★
    Well...a lot of fights were bugged in the player's favor as well (re: Skill Champs).
  • ChriissRChriissR Member Posts: 655 ★★★★
    Another compensation post 😂😂
  • MrMac1MrMac1 Member Posts: 16

    Can Kabam take away revives for people who made it through abyss runs against cable with a dex-able SP1?

    While I see the logic, it's not really comparable in terms of significance. She is now far easier than Cable is harder.

    Also, Cable has always had that animation in all types of content in the game. There was a specific issue to the Abyss for Cap Marvel; hence, she got fixed there. They simply updated Cable to make him harder, which is different from fixing a broken ability in a particular, resource-draining piece of content.

    I'm usually the last person to call for compensation, but I think this is probably the most valid case for it that you can find in the game.
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    edited May 2020
    The compensation Abyss completionists need is the one promised for Unblockable Gulk
  • arsjumarsjum Member Posts: 413 ★★★
    I finished the Abyss yesterday but if I had a choice I would have definitely chosen the harder CMM with other favorable advantages that were available than deal with what I had to deal. It's not just Cable's sp1 but you guys had a buggy Aegon who could throw his heavy unstoppable combo shield without a cooldown. You had easier time dealing with all the skill champions, including KM twice who is one of the toughest opponents in Abyss. You did not have to deal with the Collector who immediately gets 1 bar of power at the beginning of the fight.
  • King_Leo321King_Leo321 Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★
    Luckily since now Claire all attacks count as energy attacks now she can melt that CMM more quicker than any mystic champion in the game.Just stack 20 inci erates with Claire
  • MrMac1MrMac1 Member Posts: 16
    edited May 2020
    arsjum said:

    I finished the Abyss yesterday but if I had a choice I would have definitely chosen the harder CMM with other favorable advantages that were available than deal with what I had to deal. It's not just Cable's sp1 but you guys had a buggy Aegon who could throw his heavy unstoppable combo shield without a cooldown. You had easier time dealing with all the skill champions, including KM twice who is one of the toughest opponents in Abyss. You did not have to deal with the Collector who immediately gets 1 bar of power at the beginning of the fight.

    Thank you for your perspective, it's interesting that you'd have preferred it in its previous state.

    I guess I'm annoyed because I'm in the specific position where I did my first run relatively soon after it came out, but have started going through it in the past couple of weeks. I didn't have Aegon at the time, so I never had the benefit of the broken Aegon, but I also fought CCM twice when she was hard, right before they fixed her, and I've yet to fight KM again.
  • -sixate--sixate- Member Posts: 1,532 ★★★★★
    I did my Abyss completion run last week. When I faced CMM Doom melted her in 25 seconds. I thought that was bugged. So that's how it's supposed to be? 5.7m health gone in an instant?
  • _colo_colo Member Posts: 50
    MrMac1 said:

    I'm usually the last person to call for compensation, but I think this is probably the most valid case for it that you can find in the game.

    No, this is just the most recent case that affects you. Sometimes you get an easier time going in first, sometimes its the other way around. Is this issue any more deserving that someone struggling with the 6.2.6 champion boss and now has a less heal-able MS/BPCW? Nope.

    As other pointed out, there have been several changes to abyss content. Some would rather see the content in a way different than you. Should both get compensation for what they could see as an unfair change? Nope.

    It seems these forums are always a steady stream of someone wanting compensation.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    I agree, I’ve spent 25 revives on her in my 2 runs, it doesn’t seem right, especially considering one of my runs was literally the day before the change
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    I haven’t done abyss yet, focusing on getting a worthy 6 star champ to rank up but I agree with the community, they should be compensated for their issues with her.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    edited May 2020
    I spent about 10-15 revives on that fight alone.

    Anyone see this mentioned in any of the “known issues/bug fix” threads? I don’t see anything about this from kabam anywhere.
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    If we're throwing out fixed bugs in Abyss, let's not forget Invisible Woman. She had 2 bugs.

    One involved her gaining all her health back...I think it was triggered when she was taking passive damage like Nick Fury's internal bleeds.

    Then there was another one where she would take reduced damage for quite a while even when her shield was down. This also led to L3's inflicting zero damage to her.

    These were both fixed with no compensation.

    That is to say, don't hold your breath.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★

    If we're throwing out fixed bugs in Abyss, let's not forget Invisible Woman. She had 2 bugs.

    One involved her gaining all her health back...I think it was triggered when she was taking passive damage like Nick Fury's internal bleeds.

    Then there was another one where she would take reduced damage for quite a while even when her shield was down. This also led to L3's inflicting zero damage to her.

    These were both fixed with no compensation.

    That is to say, don't hold your breath.

    Don’t forget gulk nit getting heal blocked under 25%
  • MrMac1MrMac1 Member Posts: 16

    MrMac1 said:

    I'm usually the last person to call for compensation, but I think this is probably the most valid case for it that you can find in the game.

    No, this is just the most recent case that affects you. Sometimes you get an easier time going in first, sometimes its the other way around. Is this issue any more deserving that someone struggling with the 6.2.6 champion boss and now has a less heal-able MS/BPCW? Nope.

    As other pointed out, there have been several changes to abyss content. Some would rather see the content in a way different than you. Should both get compensation for what they could see as an unfair change? Nope.

    It seems these forums are always a steady stream of someone wanting compensation.
    With all due respect, you've no idea what my attitudes have been previously. I've been affected just as much as the average player by the various changes in the past, but this change is a much more significant one. This forms the crux of my argument.

    The comparison to the 6.2.6 Champion boss is flawed. There they fixed a bug that was benefiting the player while using two specific champions in two specific ways. There is no possible argument for compensation. Every single person who did the CCM fight, on the other hand, fought it when it was broken in a way that affected them, when only a relatively small number of players who fought the Champion benefited from BWCV or MS's regen in this scenario. Overall, that change made to that Champion fight has made it harder to a certain degree, but the change to this CMM fight has made it easier to a significantly greater degree. It is a question of scale; as per my original statement, this has been by far the most dramatic change of difficulty in a fight (either in or against the player's favour) that we have seen in a very long time, and it therefore deserves special attention.

    Your second argument is a better one. But I would contend that within the various changes made across the Abyss, both in or against the player's favour, since this change is so much more significant, and since it is in the player's favour*, there is a strong case for compensation. Put another way: the various changes made that will have saved a handful of revives (IW and Gulk) largely balance out the changes to the Collector and Skill champs, which will now maybe take a few extra revives - but this change to CMM dwarfs them all.

    The vast majority of posts about compensation are moronic; this one is based on steadfast reason.

    *The logic here is that resources should not be stripped away from those who had an easier time through Kabam's fault, which would be patently unfair to those who unknowingly did the easier content. But granting a reasonable stash of resources to those who had an easier time restores equality.
  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
This discussion has been closed.