Concept idea for nodes

Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
This idea is designed to bring use to those weaker champs while not forcing you to use lesser know champs.

Now in variant 2 there are nodes which boost certain champs up, like the venom getting double buffs and juggernaut getting ramp up damage

Now the idea is to make this sort of node tag or class based, so examples would be X-men chanpions heal 1% health when placing a damage over time effect on the opponent or cosmic champions deal a burst of damage whenever they gain a buff

Now what makes these sorts of nodes different? Besides them simply being in the player’s favour?

The fact that they encourage other options. My example of cosmic champions could bring some champions back from the dead if it’s strong enough, yes you can use champions like Hyperion, and yes he would probably be the best option, however for people who might not be lucky enough to have the top cosmics, a champion like Angela can deal some serious damage

Now, it might seem like these will all make content super easy, but it could be used to provide a solution to difficult nodes, now take the shifting immunity path in 7.1, what about some sort of node that allows champions to deal a burst of bleed damage if you don’t strike the opponent in 10 seconds, it would make it a lot more fun, and champions that have bleed would get an advantage since it can be boosted by bleed vulnerability, so it makes it a lot more fun for those champs, but you can also get through if you haven’t been lucky enough to pull a nick fury

I hope you get the concept of this, share your feedback on this please and if you like the idea


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