Interested in AQ 66555? Join a Gold 1 T6, Top 1000 AQ alliance

Forged Steel is looking for a strong and active player with some Map 6 and AQ 5x5 experience to help a growing 27 million alliance! You'll be in the 1 BG that runs 2xMap 6 if AQ starts on non-weekends. Must be willing to help on mini-bosses and bosses in AQ and War. We've been Gold 2 in the past, but recently hit Gold 1 T6. We plan to try to keep it at that level to avoid T5 Defense Tactics, so we're relatively low key but still compete. High AQ score 252m+ with modifiers. Minimum donations required, but we are fairly flexible! Weekly SA 750K usually, but can get 1m on occasion. Need to be near US or UK timezone.

If this is up your alley, ping me in line!

ID: dzilooo
Display name: dzil
Alliance Tag: ForSt


  • dzildzil Member Posts: 86
    Still need 1
  • GSKGSK Member Posts: 67
    Sent you join request
  • dzildzil Member Posts: 86
    Looking for 9k-10k prestige players
  • FrankenFingerzzFrankenFingerzz Member Posts: 64
    @GSK did u find a place?
  • dzildzil Member Posts: 86
    Still looking for 1. Ready to start aq tomorrow with 2 days map6. Donations are 85k gold, 6k Loyalty 1.5k bc. Just enough to run map 6 aq at least once weekly.
  • dzildzil Member Posts: 86
    Looking for 1 map6 player for 66555.
  • dzildzil Member Posts: 86
    Still looking
  • Fb2killnewFb2killnew Member Posts: 43
    I'm from india, but can work with any timezone! Could you bring up on line? falgun2822
    My prestige is 9.5k
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