Real problem with the current game

BloodKid01BloodKid01 Member Posts: 72
I'm pretty sure this is going to fall on deaf ears but I'm going to put it out there for the average player. I've been playing this game since the very beginning and to be honest I'm starting to burn out. I'm starting to burn out because the overall value of the game sucks. The rewards suck, crystal pulls suck, story seems like it’s never going to end, and it’s more of a grind to do one map than it is fun (going to get to the champion problem soon). Gold is a problem, and Kabam doesn’t push out good content; because when it does it's soon ripped away because people exploit it. Opportunities that are discovered to help the community and average player is "corrected" For instance, if I remember correctly a year to a year and a half ago there was a map in act 1 that a ton of users were exploring just for potions and revives due to the fact that it had a lot there. Within a month of that getting out, Kabam "fixed that problem". Not to mention how many OG champs got nerfed to "incorrect functionality", even though those champs mechanics have been with that champ for months or even years. For instance, Drax being able to bypass Mordo's stun barrier.

The best content is the event quests. I don’t see the fun in running the same map 10x with 4 nodes that needs a god tier to even make it bearable; you still need to have a near perfect attack. Kabam can say, “that’s why there’s arenas” but that’s not a guarantee. Everyone is trying for the champ so that too makes it a grind. Then you get enough shards for a spin and guess what, you got another Hawkeye from the 5* or a 3* Corvus from the grandmaster; that alone does give you enough to rank up a champ. So the grind starts all over again... Not to mention 3* and 4* are pointless in act 6. So if you're a player that's there then it's a giant "screw you lol" when you get that 3/4* champ from doing act 6 content. You get 24 iso for 4*/5*/6* dupes. After r1 that doesn’t cover the cost to securing a rank up. But then you still get stuck in the gold problem. So you give more away to Kabam to try and get your champs up when they barely give anything. Gold crystals have 100% chance of gold, but with a bare minimum of 15,000. So you spin 10 of those and you get about 150k. But hey it cost 150k to rank your 6* up 4-5 levels, or 8 levels for an R4 or r5 5*. So the grind continues/starts all over again. I don't understand how the value of ISO one gets is the same for a 4/5/6* champs. The return on the in time and investment is frustrating. But hey give it another go, right?...... Probably one of the most crushing, if not the most soul crushing thing in this game is spinning a crystal and getting that tease of a 5 or 6* champ that will help you out, only for it to land on a 3*/4*/5*/6* Kamala Khan. But hey spend more units and spin again.... so you do and it's the same Kamala Khan or it's worse Falcon. The user is faced with the fact that they still don't have the proper champs needed to make it past a map without spending a fortune. I was a beta tester for act 7 and it sucked. I used all my best champs that I use on a daily basis, as well as all of my god-tier champs and I needed a perfect fight in order win. One mistake I was done for.

I genuinely like playing Rocket and Iron Fist, but I have no use for them outside the arenas. I may take them with me to fulfill a gate requirement needed for a map, but then I sacrifice synergy and strategy for gate requirements, which synergies should built for team benefits, but you can't even enjoy that when the rest of the synergy champs have **** mechanics and give no benefit on the defender matchups due to crazy nodes. I want to be able to use Rocket and/or IF and not feel penalized if I lose a god tier champ. I don’t want to chuck 40 units and then some for for revive and potion because that champs mechanics give me the best fighting chance due to the nodes not personal skill set. Iron Fist's armor break is perfect for IWIM's armor up at 15% but pointless to use in Act 6 due to the nodes that are usually backing IWIM or AW because the nodes don't give Iron Fist a fighting chance. So you need a god-tier champ like Corvus or Doom to make it the easiest. However, god-tier champs are the rarest in crystal opening. You see them a lot when the crystal is being spun but once it slows they're nowhere to be found, or it just happens to roll over those god-tier champs on to a Captain America OG. Rocket Raccoon duped has one of the best furies in the game and can cater pretty well for an offensive driven player, but because his defense is on the weaker end it doesn't help to bring him into end game content. His kinetic shield is useless against the stacked nodes. Regardless of how anyone may feel about these champs and my use for them as examples, their synergies with their respective counterparts serve them well for material on act 4 and before, as well as monthly event quests. Those require strategy, and that is not the case for act 5 and beyond. Guardians of the galaxy synergy is an offensive powerhouse, with paying respect to blocking. There's no way to use those on caltrops, biohazard, and a payback node(Whatever node is is that gives the depender double for hitting into a block), or better yet a block proficiency node. So the user has to either grind and pray for the champ needed during those crystal spins, or cut corners to make it, or say screw it and fork up an unnecessary amount of units to just to clear that map

Champion is tricky alone, the nodes in 6.2.6 make him impossibly difficult and the fact that Morningstar is the best, if not, the only champ that has the best chance stand against him and many players have him is really encouraging but they are about to nerf Morningstar makes it that more discouraging to complete; leaving it to sorcerer supreme that barely no one is going to have. So it’s circling back to either chucking in units or grinding for a .0012 chance to get that champ and pray that it doesn’t need to be duped. Drac, used to be useful for mordo now he's nerfed. Kabam issued a statement last year, or two years ago addressing that, 'He was bugged" even though he had always had that ability from the time Drax got revamped the year prior to that; everyone knew about that Drax ability. Mr. Sinister is fun to play against, but is impossible to beat without Hiemdell, Angela synergy in 6.2. You are literally stuck throwing away units just to get past that. If your Captain Marvel(Movie) is R5 you can get him down in two revives of her, but that's still resource intensive. But then you walk into 6.2.3 like 'dang here we go again'. Spoiler alert it doesn't get much better in 6.3 or 6.4.Gates are down but you need high 5/6* Demi god-tier champs and beyond to make it bearable. And the rewards from any of the acts in chapter 6 may help with one champ, just gotta make sure you spin enough 4* duplicates for ISO. Because let's be really, not really much of chance of getting a 5 or 6*

Incursions is difficult, it makes the users pay to get all the rewards. Two random nodes on a champ is fun, two random nodes on the right champ is really difficult given the selected roster and defenders mechanics. The attack and defense is already increasing so it already is skill dependent. But adding a third node is greedy. Why not just increase the attack and defense? It’s already a challenge to balance healing and choosing a rare node, why make it more taxing? It’s not fun, it’s resource depleting and not skill based. Dungeons was fun because was just about achieving the maximum rewards and skill forward. Incursions is now, luck on the nodes for the next room. It's cool that you can only use so many resources, but when you get to room 8 and up and there's stacked nodes like caltrops, biohazard, some sort of degeneration, it's insulting. It's cool that you can swap out one champ for another but if you don't have a specific champ to handle all those nodes then it's pointless. If I want to spend 3 hours to get all 25 rooms let it be that, not depleting through resources to get 10 rooms. We already need the gold for proper rank up, and the 5* shards added up really help escalate ones goal to another 5* champ, but incursions is forcing the users to pay to get to 10 rooms. Why not just stick to increasing the attack. By then it already takes about 3 plus minutes to get down the defender at that've got the node, and trying to conserve on healing because you don't want to use more units, and there's a high chance you don't have all the rare nodes you had because you needed to heal at some point. And the incursion potions only cover 1400k of health so it's not like those are lifesavers. And even then those are POTENTIAL rewards, and even getting that is about 15% of the time. The game is already taxing to the average player, without the justified rewards, and they go and make one more thing that is resource intensive

One of the reasons why ROL was fun was because it relied on nothing but strategy. Remember when you had to go against wolverine and you didn’t have Heal block? You needed to make sure that you had the right combo to count on SL to get him down. And there wasn’t a cap on his damage output. Now it’s at 50,000 tops. Or you could use Guilitine but you had to make sure you had the souls to reverse his heal block, that was based on champ mechanic and strategy. And now SL is rendered useless after after act 5.2 due to the nodes. Still a very good offensive champ but not useful for end game content if you want to have more units in the bank. Outside of his combo, his mechanics aren’t very helpful for the presented nodes. LOL, you can spend 20 minutes having the perfect attack and defense and once the time runs out you’re screwed. So skip strategy you need the god tier champs to speed that up, oh and when you have an advantage over the champ the time winds down faster than it normally would for a disadvantage champ or a regular matchup.

My alliance is great, the guys that are in there are one of a kind, but that flow tactic is annoying it’s going to be difficult to get people on board to finish when it’s resource depleting. I've learned the best way to counter that is with Doom, his passive stun and abilities allow him to work well against it, but not everyone in my alliance has him. And the ones that do have may use him on defense. Flow is so champ specific that's really demanding. And forget it when Mojo AKA Ron Jeremy is the boss. That alone will cripple any alliance. Not only did you use your resources to get to boss but you have to go against the guy that has vertically untouchable. Can't passively stun him, can't avoid all of specials so when you get hit it's almost a guaranteed KO. And on that top of that he's already got 3 stacks of flow so 15 seconds into the fight because you typical fighting strategy doesn't work for the champs(including god-tier champs don't work against that) How do we rally the people in alliances to combat that? Tell them to pop more crystals? And even if some are doing that we are back to square one.... gold, ISO and cat problems... so grind more. In my alliance, we've cracked P3 a few times and we stay pretty high up there in P4, but a lot of them are just average players. They have day jobs, families, and they want to use this game to get a break from their everyday life. Let it reward them, let it reward the average player in other alliances and the average player overall. The amount of frustration that has come out of these newer AW nodes like Flow is aggravating and so discouraging to continue.

I’ve been feeling this way for a bit now because I'm an average player. I don't have all the best champs so I rely on strategy and synergy. I've grinded for my champs and I've figured out how to use them to the best of my ability. I personally don't care for Seatin because he doesn't represent average player. He pays to win, there is nothing wrong with that, but he has an arsenal of god-tier champs that can compensate for any node that he can't achieve with skill. The average player doesn't have that roster. After five years of playing I have a prestige of about 10k and I don't have every champ at the right star rating needed to assist in any of my shortcomings, and neither does 90% of the rest of the community. That is why he doesn't use his Whalemiker account like the average player, because he doesn't have that roster. His videos always have the best champs accomplishing the most unmerciful nodes with relative ease. We aren't that fortunate, and there is no way he's taking his 6* Rocket and doing that same work with ease on his whale milker account. However, I respect his statement on the game, he's not wrong. Players find ways to cheat this game because the Kabam is constantly cheating the community. Nerfing legacy champs to drive users is buy more crystals, changing legacy content to fit the company wants, building stacked nodes that render synergies useless, giving piss poor drop rates on crystals, poor rewards for AW, and majority of the end game content invites cheating. People are finding loopholes and ways to cheat because they can't properly beat this game with skill and some luck due to the fact Kabam is constantly cheating the community by changing content and issuing generic statements knowing that it's wrong just to fit the company's greedy motives. Furthermore, when they do that and get called out for it they can't properly respond, so they don't respond at all. If you don't want people to cheat then don't cheat the player. No doubt cheating and scams will happen, but more users may be finding way to cheat out of spite because Kabam is cheating players. Giving more balanced rewards and champs encourages users to play and want to play more, but not this.

This isn't meant to be a rank but an insightful breakdown of how the game has changed and the exhaustion the community is facing.


  • AlphA101AlphA101 Member Posts: 285 ★★★
    I’m. 100% sure this thread will get deleted , kabam dosent like anyone calling them out , no matter how shady they are
  • GamecodeOneGamecodeOne Member Posts: 87
    There is a lot I agree with. I just leave my alliance, because of the fact, that AW is not fun anymore. And flow is a nightmare. After the Shop buff, there is no reason to play AW. The rewards are bad as hell. So I Focus on AQ.

    Where I disagree is Mr. sinister. I did. him with just Hyperion and I guess 5 small revives. My next enemy is the champion, I will see how this works.

    Where I disagree too is with the resources, I have always enough resources, cause I think Well before I level someone. I think there are many out there, which just level anything, and then you are empty fast.

    But where I agree the most is what Seatin already said: „You can’t play the champions you want to play“ and that is the saddest thing. Maybe that is what you mean with Ressource problem, I would love to level up a bunch of champs, but I know that they would have no game value. But I would love to use them.

  • GiuliameijGiuliameij Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    I also agree with most of what you said. But I feel the ROL wolverine point was kind of contradictory. Because that fight actually was based on your roster. if you did not have Guillotine or Starlord you could not do the content.

    I also do not have a problem with resources but I also only level up champs I want to use. And sometimes some 3 stars to get the milestones up till the 25 units.

    But your overal points stand. I started a new account a while back, and I am really having fun with act 3, and will also have fun with act 4 with all my 'bad' 3 and 4 stars. They can still do it. I get they need to make the content harder, and that is fine. But there is a point to so many people, of which a lot are high level youtubers, are starting a new account and spending a lot of time on those. That content is just more fun to do.
  • BloodKid01BloodKid01 Member Posts: 72
    I appreciate the feedback guys. @GluteusMaximus I'm not saying my experience is bad, I'm merely addressing the current issues of the game. @GamecodeOne you're right in what I was saying about the resources. Because some don't have the 'right' champs it requires a lot more resources to accommodate the shortcomings
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,937 ★★★★★

    I'm pretty sure this is going to fall on deaf ears

    speak up, I can’t here you
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★
    If only there was a thread dedicated to this type of discussion...
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