Opinion please - 3 x Feature 5* Crystal openings

MrwipsMrwips Member Posts: 1
Community.... opinions please

So after saving up my 5* crystal shards for approximately 3 months with my eye on opening them today to pickup a Dormammu - I did just that

What I got was a 5* Loki, Gambit and finally Hawkeye.

All of which, after the 13.1 update are now champions that appear in the 10k basic crystals.
Is that correct?
It's that the community understands is how the 5* feature crystals behave now after the update?

Post 13.1 update - my understanding was that 10k basic crystals give you a champion from the basic pool.
Opening a feature crystal at 15k shards either gives you the feature champion or a champion from the "sub pool". That's what I read from the forum post - plus having watched the YouTube videos on the subject, they support that understanding too.

I've logged a ticket with Kabam and their position is that the feature crystal openings are behaving as expected and that they admit the forum post about opening the feature crystals "maybe misleading".... and I've since been pointed to filling out a feedback form



  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    You are incorrect. The feature 15k crystal still has the highest chance of getting a "basic" champ. Also the Dorm Crystal does not include the sub-featured champ pool, that is not available until the next new feature champ next week.
  • spumingtonspumington Member Posts: 350 ★★
    You misunderstood. The new featured crystals will come out on June 8. The Dormammu crystal doesn't include the sub-featured pool.

    Once the new featured crystals are released, the will contain the featured champ, a sub-featured pool, and the basic champs. You still have the greatest chance to pull a basic champ. You have a lesser chance to pull the featured. You are least likely to pull from the sub-featured pool.
  • No_More_HeroesNo_More_Heroes Member Posts: 471 ★★
    I don't know how you interpreted their in-game email but I understood it to be:

    After the update on may 30th, more champs will be added to the basic pool. The featured crystal will not have the subfeatured until after June 8th. At that point, if you buy a featured, you have a chance at the featured, if you fail, then you have a chance at the sub-featured, if you fail then you get something from the basic.

    But the sub-featured isn't even in play until a week from now so it doesn't matter at this point.
  • Fhap1234Fhap1234 Member Posts: 62
    Spunington is right. Sub featured pool doesn't get released into the crystals until after June 8th. My condolences to your misunderstanding.
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