Abyss (100%) Rewards Update before July 4th

Personally I will not be participating in July 4th offers if we have not received the update on abyss exploration rewards at that time.
To say that you do not know how you will be adjusting the rewards or that you need more than a month would be strong evidence that you spend more time and staff on new offers and quests to make us spend but very little time and resource is spent to compensate us in instances where we have been more or less extorted.
Exploring abyss 100% costs players an enormous amount of time and resources. The rewards should have been thought out properly rather than rushing the rollout to start counting the money coming in.
When it comes to buffs and compensations, there are several betas and the entire process is so long that the adjustment is almost useless when it arrives. An example is the HB buff we have been waiting on while newer content and more defenders have been rolled out with aggressive speed. We also note that nerfs do not usually call for beta testing or player input.
It’s all very frustrating and again I will not be taking up any July 4th offers if abyss 100% update has not arrived. In my opinion July 4th and Black Friday offers are not a gift by any means... rather a gift from us to you since they are ridiculously expensive. Most players do not realize this as they have been desensitized. So if seeking another gift from us, least you can do is do the right thing in a timely manner.
Thank you for your consideration.
To say that you do not know how you will be adjusting the rewards or that you need more than a month would be strong evidence that you spend more time and staff on new offers and quests to make us spend but very little time and resource is spent to compensate us in instances where we have been more or less extorted.
Exploring abyss 100% costs players an enormous amount of time and resources. The rewards should have been thought out properly rather than rushing the rollout to start counting the money coming in.
When it comes to buffs and compensations, there are several betas and the entire process is so long that the adjustment is almost useless when it arrives. An example is the HB buff we have been waiting on while newer content and more defenders have been rolled out with aggressive speed. We also note that nerfs do not usually call for beta testing or player input.
It’s all very frustrating and again I will not be taking up any July 4th offers if abyss 100% update has not arrived. In my opinion July 4th and Black Friday offers are not a gift by any means... rather a gift from us to you since they are ridiculously expensive. Most players do not realize this as they have been desensitized. So if seeking another gift from us, least you can do is do the right thing in a timely manner.
Thank you for your consideration.
I assume it will be another slap in the face for end game players and that is why they are not hurrying
Just goes to show how out of touch they are.... going by the compensation for the CM fight I'm not expecting much TBH
That Abyss CMM comp was a slap in the face to anyone that put the effort in to clear her twice and all of abyss because theres no place to use it. We emphasized that on the announcement for the compensarion and they took two weeks to read an ignore our requests before they rolled out a package which was exact what we cannot use.
Ps. I’m happy they are going to give more rewards as essentially they are now free to me.. but I don’t want any crappy pots back.
People look forward to the 4th of July and Black Friday deals as if it’s a gift. Those deals are a massive gift from the community to the game. I assessed the sigil and it’s horrendous.. very little value.. we asked for increased inventory for ages and they turned around and sold it to us!!
In the same way they are still charging us to change masteries every single time!!!
You look and see they only updated one of the potions and turned around and created a whole new batch of potions which I’ll be dead before I purchase.
Everything we request... they say stfu ...pay for it. I really wish them the best in the direction they are going with the game.