Buff rogue
Plz kabam if you see this buff rougue her duplicate timer doesn't last if AI uses a special it goes away
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Plz she is fun champ to use buff her
Thanks for reading
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Plz she is fun champ to use buff her
Thanks for reading
And honestly rogue better than psylocke. Also psylocke suck in this game
She also doesn’t suck. Just ask @MegaSkater67.
Rogue's copy ability is due to the timer difficult to maintain and easy to lose.
For starters, double the timer. Pause the timer during special attacks. Let her nullify the buffs she copies (even if it fails). While holding the copied buff, every time it fails to trigger inflict a degen passive. Give her power gain per nullified or failed buff like MD. Add her copy ability to all special attacks and increase her life steal. Her current sig should be added to her base abilities. Her sig should give her the ability to store buffs she copied during the fight at the end of the fight, and transfer them to the next fight. She can either re-trigger them periodically, at the beginning of the fight and after a SP3, or every special attack or heavy attack with a cooldown.
Then she doesn't need more buffs.