Cant choose a way in Act 4, chapter 4, mission 5.

MikeKhalMikeKhal Member Posts: 2
Hello there! I have encountered a problem choosing the way in act 4, chapter 4, mission 5.
As you can see on the picture the spot which is highlighted in red brings me automatically to the left (towards Magic) without any opportunity to go to the right spot (towards Deadpool). Please fix it!


  • TP33TP33 Member Posts: 1,676 ★★★★★
    No you have to go from black panther and then go left
  • MikeKhalMikeKhal Member Posts: 2
    Thank you!
  • TeflonTeflon Member Posts: 4
    @TP33 well then how do u fight Deadpool to get 100 percent completion
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