July 4th
hey guys, so given the fact that July 4th is about 2 weeks away, i wanted to ask if anyone is saving up for the delas and if so how much they have saved up so far. Would be nice to know if anyone has stopped saving becasue of the state of the game or if they've restarted their unit grind based on the roadmap prelude.
I must say, this past 2-3 weeks of opening crystals... The units drops have been dreadful! Either I've gotten seriously unlucky or something mechanism is against me! I've opened well over a million BCs lately and dropped barely any units, in comparison to a steady unit income a month or more ago!
I regret wasting units in some cavalier crystals in the previous months that now I miss. 15000 is out of reach for me.
On the other hand, I'm saving 5* shards in case the add Scarlet Witch in the next feature or they decide to sell nexus with shards. I'm very optimistic, I know.
- 650 units from 500k of UC
- 950 units from 500k of standard arena crystals
Both poor. I've opened soooo many more crystals lately at random lower denominations and dropped barely any units... RNG gods against me i guess !
In the end i spent a lot of units on revives and got the title, but couldnt control myself and spent 5k on crystals and got only one *5
I expect to remain In a state of delusion on The next deal day.
I find regular and UC arena crystals to basically be the same, UC is just like having 10 regular ones. Ratio-wise, they are the same, in my experience.