Is it possible to defeat ROL-Wolverine with a 2 Star Guillotine? Should I go for it?

TonyStarkTonyStark Member Posts: 354
edited September 2017 in Strategy and Tips
I really want to do ROL!
I have a 4 Star Star-Lord (4/40, dupe lvl 74). But for ROL-Wolverine I don't have Guillotine, not even a 3 Star Guillotine!
Should I try to do ROL with my 2 Star Guillotine (duped & maxed out :P), or wait for a 3/4 star Guillotine?

My others champs (all 4/40) = Thor(dupe lvl 20), YJ(dupe lvl 28), GR(unduped), Vision(unduped), Rogue(unduped), Psylocke(unduped), Gwenpool(unduped), Dr. Strange(duped), Storm(dupe lvl 40)

Please help!

Is it possible to defeat ROL-Wolverine with a 2 Star Guillotine? Should I go for it? 47 votes

No! Wait for a 3/4 Star Guillotine
RotmgmoddyHarcourtmazeLoPrestiEgeCIl_JooONomarigerolF4k3_GaM3rMasterTroller42General_NikolayPeterStreitNOOOOOOOOPEEEEEMHB_102002MasterYoda493Freefighter1AntonioTheCoolSpikedBird37IwantKaNg 17 votes
Yes, go with 2 star Guillotine
GroundedWisdomwinterthurWhododo872Jaffacakedmum_m2Yellsomevg2782Vision_41Superman69SpeedbumpDave_the_destroyerdeepaksai24MastaChief117Grimv717TheMageHunterSungjljainBullfighter77Jim0172SummonerB2 30 votes


  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    Yes, go with 2 star Guillotine
    The star of the guillotine doesn't matter its her souls and sp2 that reverse the healing and they don't change based on the star of the champion
    No! Wait for a 3/4 Star Guillotine
    While it is possible the fight will Defiently be painfully long, best to just wait.
  • Freefighter1Freefighter1 Member Posts: 25
    edited September 2017
    No! Wait for a 3/4 Star Guillotine
    Tried with my 3* and couldnt even manage until i activated mystic dispertion mastery 3/5. As after sp2 you need to keep on hitting the wolvy until his regen reaches x3 so his health runs out...for that you need another direct sp1or a heavy followed by multiple hits. Wait for 3* at least and use Mystic disp if you have at least 2/5 or 3/5.
    2* stars also cant handle getting hit even when blocking.
    Good luck
  • MastaChief117MastaChief117 Member Posts: 113
    Yes, go with 2 star Guillotine
    I say go for it man. All you gotta do is land Guilly's L2 and the fight will be over in seconds. Getting to your L2 shouldn't be too hard, it'll help if you have MD unlocked
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    Yes, go with 2 star Guillotine
    you can easily just youtube this
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    Yes, go with 2 star Guillotine
    I did it with a 2* and no MD. You can do it!
  • SpikedBird37SpikedBird37 Member Posts: 2
    No! Wait for a 3/4 Star Guillotine
    It's possible but the block damage will be crazy high so you'll need to play flawlessly. I'm cheering you on either way good luck!
  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    No! Wait for a 3/4 Star Guillotine
    You can do it with a 2* guillotine, since the only ability that actually makes her able to kill the RoL wolverine is her heal reverse from her L2.

    However, I'd highly recommend a 3*/4* guillotine, not because they have stronger attack, but because they have higher health. A 2* guillotine can easily die from a few blocked hits, and 1 combo will kill you. Unless you are sure you can parry all the time yet stay aggressive enough, then I'd suggest waiting for a higher tier guillotine
  • YellsomeYellsome Member Posts: 485
    Yes, go with 2 star Guillotine
    Sungj wrote: »
    The star of the guillotine doesn't matter its her souls and sp2 that reverse the healing and they don't change based on the star of the champion

    yes..but wont it be a waste of a champion?
  • NavneetGNavneetG Member Posts: 26
    You can do it with an archangel too.. all u hv to do is stack neurotoxin
  • Firethumb_1Firethumb_1 Member Posts: 64
    It can be done with a 2* Gully but you will need mystic dispersion lvl4 or 5 and perhaps a mystic power boost from loyalty store.. You have to get a second special 2 as quick as possible after the first one otherwise he will regen past the point where you gain souls at which point your buggerd.
  • Firethumb_1Firethumb_1 Member Posts: 64
    It's possible without mystic dispersion but you have to get lucky
  • Vision_41Vision_41 Member Posts: 721
    Yes, go with 2 star Guillotine
    Just go and try!
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,334 ★★★★★
    edited September 2017
    Yes, go with 2 star Guillotine
    I think there are Summoners who cleared Wolverine without Guillotine, similar to clearing Act 4.3.3 Juggernaut without Ronan. Is it not possible to out damage Wolverine with Star-Lord?
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    Yes, go with 2 star Guillotine
    winterthur wrote: »
    I think there are Summoners who cleared Wolverine without Guillotine, similar to clearing Act 4.3.3 Juggernaut without Ronan. Is it not possible to out damage Wolverine with Star-Lord?

    It is possible with starlord as well as a handful of other champions but guillotine is just the fastest and easiest, with champs like starlord, yondu, rogue etc it takes 300-400 hits plus to get him down while guillotine can easily get him down in well under 100 hits
  • KingCrooksKingCrooks Member Posts: 176
    Play aggressively!! If you don't have 2 souls by the time u hit that first L2, it's over.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,987 ★★★★★
    Yes, go with 2 star Guillotine
    It's possible. The Sig operates the same. Keep in mind you'll have to have enough skill not to get hit, and get your L2 off.
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