Should kabam change the reward system and make it better for us players??

I'm sure I'm not the only one who believes the reward system in a mess right now...we have to constantly go against players with noche nodes and having to use players we would never level up to fight against them, and the fact that the rewards we get ain't even giving us the bare minimum advantage is almost unfathomable.
Should kabam change the reward system and make it better for us players?? 43 votes
And no, if you grind this game everyday and can barely get any sort of items from rewards that will benefit you for A5, you’re either grinding it wrongly or grinding the wrong part.
Oh yes I hear myself loud and clearly. If you have an issue with being patient, then spend to buy Cavs/Rank up offers. No one is stopping you.
If you’re not looking for a debate, then why the poll seeking others’ opinions? That’s just... so.. contradictory... and self-fulfilling...
The new AW Map is totally exaggerated and frustrating. No desire to gamble.