Should kabam change the reward system and make it better for us players??

Legendary_warrior5Legendary_warrior5 Member Posts: 21
edited July 2020 in Suggestions and Requests
I'm sure I'm not the only one who believes the reward system in a mess right now...we have to constantly go against players with noche nodes and having to use players we would never level up to fight against them, and the fact that the rewards we get ain't even giving us the bare minimum advantage is almost unfathomable.

Should kabam change the reward system and make it better for us players?? 43 votes

yes! We need better rewards to improve our players and our gameplay
HamedSOjdrum663Mqc19RoOOtsShawny89DHedgedog387bpunk88_Sham_N1nthcloudEdwxnPotatolegionSteelManPřìņče01SGT_M9Ken1378AouxWouxAayush19DrauglinNastyPhishodishika123 25 votes
No...the reward system is jus fine just keep playing and one day you'll hit jackpot
xNigAckbar67KoiBoy18Notsavage19QuattrucciYcatsSignUpNowAshKetchumEdeuinkMasterpuffRenaxqqMarlonalladaBlack_SwanBrHunter67360JoshKosh557Zoom123Soitele 17 votes
I dont really care to be honest...kabam can do whatever they want with the reward system doesn't concern me I can buy anything on store
KingCybertron 1 vote


  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    what reward system are you referring to specifically? Increasing AW rewards? increasing AQ rewards? increasing EQ and side quest rewards?
  • Legendary_warrior5Legendary_warrior5 Member Posts: 21
    yes! We need better rewards to improve our players and our gameplay can do
  • Legendary_warrior5Legendary_warrior5 Member Posts: 21
    yes! We need better rewards to improve our players and our gameplay
    Rhymenocerus yh I'm not a quitter...clearly u dont understand how messed up the reward system is
  • EdeuinkEdeuink Member Posts: 1,263 ★★★★
    No...the reward system is jus fine just keep playing and one day you'll hit jackpot
    @Legendary_warrior5 can you explain to me how messed up the reward system is? I don’t understand what you think is wrong.
  • Legendary_warrior5Legendary_warrior5 Member Posts: 21
    yes! We need better rewards to improve our players and our gameplay
    Championcritic increasing side quest rewards is a major one.
  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★
    No...the reward system is jus fine just keep playing and one day you'll hit jackpot
    Edeuink said:

    Can you stop making repeated posts about this “topic” after your previous 2 threads were deleted?

    Me answer is... Almost the same as the first few times. What a surprise.
  • Legendary_warrior5Legendary_warrior5 Member Posts: 21
    yes! We need better rewards to improve our players and our gameplay
    I literally grind this game every day and can barely get any sort of items from rewards that will benefit me in act 5 quest..its ridiculous..can u imagine what it's like for the people who cant play this for very long a day??how they cannot do very much because of there rewards?? I simply dont see how anyone can vote no...oh well
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    edited July 2020
    No...the reward system is jus fine just keep playing and one day you'll hit jackpot

    I literally grind this game every day and can barely get any sort of items from rewards that will benefit me in act 5 quest..its ridiculous..can u imagine what it's like for the people who cant play this for very long a day??how they cannot do very much because of there rewards?? I simply dont see how anyone can vote no...oh well

    They can always be patient and wait.

    And no, if you grind this game everyday and can barely get any sort of items from rewards that will benefit you for A5, you’re either grinding it wrongly or grinding the wrong part.
  • Legendary_warrior5Legendary_warrior5 Member Posts: 21
    edited July 2020
    yes! We need better rewards to improve our players and our gameplay patient and wait??? Grinding wrong???? Do you even hear yourself??? please stop trying to debate me on this...if you want to vote no just vote no.. it's alright
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  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    edited July 2020
    No...the reward system is jus fine just keep playing and one day you'll hit jackpot patient and wait??? Grinding wrong???? Do you even hear yourself??? please stop trying to debate me on this...if you want to vote no just vote no.. it's alright

    I already voted no when I typed that reply lol.

    Oh yes I hear myself loud and clearly. If you have an issue with being patient, then spend to buy Cavs/Rank up offers. No one is stopping you.

    If you’re not looking for a debate, then why the poll seeking others’ opinions? That’s just... so.. contradictory... and self-fulfilling...
  • Legendary_warrior5Legendary_warrior5 Member Posts: 21
    yes! We need better rewards to improve our players and our gameplay
    xNig lol I never said that no one should debate and jus tap yes or no.. I was talking to you specifically since the points you are making are illogical and just silly..good day.
  • Legendary_warrior5Legendary_warrior5 Member Posts: 21
    yes! We need better rewards to improve our players and our gameplay
    Haji_Saab they're not here they doing something else🤣🤣🤣🤣
  • Legendary_warrior5Legendary_warrior5 Member Posts: 21
    edited July 2020
    yes! We need better rewards to improve our players and our gameplay
    xNig for example your sayin what I'm doing is self fulfilling . When the literal title I made Is should kabam change the reward system and make it better for US players..I'm not doing this jus to benefit doing this on behalf of the mcoc community who are constantly being dealt bad handedly...your points are quite silly bro
  • MarlonalladaMarlonallada Member Posts: 2
    No...the reward system is jus fine just keep playing and one day you'll hit jackpot
    Edeuink said:

    Can you stop making repeated posts about this “topic” after your previous 2 threads were deleted?

    We at R-D (red dragon) team haven't received reward from the last AQ.
  • VvF2015VvF2015 Member Posts: 13
    In any case, rewards should be better. Because:
    The new AW Map is totally exaggerated and frustrating. No desire to gamble.
  • HamedSOHamedSO Member Posts: 139
    yes! We need better rewards to improve our players and our gameplay
    A lot more players than you would imagine are quitting this game these days and quitting wars too! Kabam have no system of collecting players/users/customers opinions to improve accordingly. Not sure who tell them to do random changes!
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  • DrauglinDrauglin Member Posts: 201 ★★
    yes! We need better rewards to improve our players and our gameplay
    I agree we need better rewards but if your grinding every day and don’t feel that you’re getting what you need for Act 5 then I’m not sure what rewards would help you. I grind everyday and have completed and fully explored Act 5 under the current reward structure. Other than July 4 and Black Friday deals I’m free to play.
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