if you can't do it with Medusa, I'm not sure what to tell you. I don't mean to be rude, but it's the truth
Yeah, I've got to agree. Just make sure he's got the armor or Fury buff, then put armor shatter on him and keep it up with Sp3's. She's the best option unless you have a R5 5* Corvus honestly.
if you can't do it with Medusa, I'm not sure what to tell you. I don't mean to be rude, but it's the truth
I beat him easily with Medusa last time but it just gets so hard and I’m not wasting my units on him. I’ll just explore the rest of act five and save him for last.
The first time I fought him it was a massacre. 😆 I didn't watch any videos and went in blind. But then watched a couple videos. That was a long time ago at this point. Maybe a couple years or more? But it gets easier each time you fight him. I used 4* Medusa as well. By the time I did the last couple paths I did it itemless. Just like any other encounter in the game, just need practice it and then it becomes easier as you get used to the new mechanic that's being introduced. There are many milestones in the game that force you to learn new skills and this is one of them. You'll come out as a stronger player afterwards. Good luck!
Can’t even fricken explore act 5 without him kicking my ass. Even with Medusa. This sucks.
Lol bro! 😂
I've used Loki, ghost, proxima, corvus, etc to take him down. Hell, I've used torch with prefight and some mad intercepting game! Never used or had a need to use Medusa or blade, don't think I've ever spent units or revives on this fight before, and yes...I've explored act 5. 😉
one shot him every time with ghost so easy no debuffs ever and boom corvus is good too sabretooth with km synergy shuts down that node totally a lot of options
Proxima does the same...even better than sabreman cuz she can counter the evade as well.
go in, if he has the power gain buff stay away.... when it changes to fury or regen, combo, combo, sp1..... combo away and only ever use sp3.
simples. medusa is the best counter by a long shot. if you can;t do it with 4* medusa then you really need to research how to do it and practice cus she is just a god for this fight. soory to say bro but its all on you if you can't do it.
You got Units.
(Y)use Them. ( see what i did there
Never used or had a need to use Medusa or blade, don't think I've ever spent units or revives on this fight before, and yes...I've explored act 5. 😉
if he has the power gain buff stay away....
when it changes to fury or regen, combo, combo, sp1.....
combo away and only ever use sp3.
medusa is the best counter by a long shot.
if you can;t do it with 4* medusa then you really need to research how to do it and practice cus she is just a god for this fight.
soory to say bro but its all on you if you can't do it.
hope the advice helps and you get the job done