Who To Rank 6* Rank 3(Questioning my choices based off a recent discussion.)

MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★

Alright, so recently I beat the abyss for the first time, and I received a skill t5cc. I had it in my mind to rank 3 stealthy when I got enough t4 skill, but based off of some recent feedback I’m having some second thoughts. Would love to hear reasoning unless of course, it was shared with me on the Ronin thread.
Also I’m focusing on finishing 100% 6.3-6.4 at the moment, and am looking for a good attacker mostly. And of course, the higher prestige the better.

Who To Rank 6* Rank 3(Questioning my choices based off a recent discussion.) 47 votes

Timone147Manup456SungjGmonkeyRoOOtsDonnymeijTheHoodedDormammuRisenfromhellrdxevilSmashWoozieRockypantherxKill_GreyTopsThePopsStevieManWonderEtjamaMidnite93Arham1ArsozHedron 37 votes
cAncAmO 1 vote
Night Thrasher
MaxGaming 1 vote
One of My Other Current Ones(Please Explain)
Wait for a dupe of one of my current ones or wait for someone else(Specifiy)
YoMovesTheHeroDeservedGiganteaDnegrin6969GinjabredMonstaHawkcrew2000CaptainGameJAYJAY3001 8 votes


  • rdxevilrdxevil Member Posts: 231 ★★
    I don't see anyone near to stealthy
  • AstoundsAstounds Member Posts: 323 ★★
    Stealthy seems like a the choice. NF would be the other option but he needs to be awakened so... you have to wait for 2 NFs. Sooo stealthy.
  • YoMovesYoMoves Member Posts: 1,286 ★★★★
    Wait for a dupe of one of my current ones or wait for someone else(Specifiy)
    Don't R3 something you have no way to awaken. By the time you dupe or get a skill gem for these, you may pull Nick Fury twice. It's not worth the risk of never seeing that champ again.

    Example: I R4'd my Venom two years ago in anticipation, as he was my best cosmic at the time and he was a fairly common champ as I was seeing from everyone else.

    Since then:

    No dupe of Venom.

    Champs I've pulled:

    CMM (3 times)

    Surfer (twice)

    Corvus dupe

    Proxima Midnight (twice)

    Cull Obsidian (three times)

    Hyperion (four times)
  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    Unless you are going to hold out for dupes aegon or fury
  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★
    YoMoves said:

    Don't R3 something you have no way to awaken. By the time you dupe or get a skill gem for these, you may pull Nick Fury twice. It's not worth the risk of never seeing that champ again.

    Example: I R4'd my Venom two years ago in anticipation, as he was my best cosmic at the time and he was a fairly common champ as I was seeing from everyone else.

    Since then:

    No dupe of Venom.

    Champs I've pulled:

    CMM (3 times)

    Surfer (twice)

    Corvus dupe

    Proxima Midnight (twice)

    Cull Obsidian (three times)

    Hyperion (four times)

    That’s why I’ve been kinda leaning towards stealthy. The dupe is totally unnecessary. Then again, out of every fragment crystal of t5cc, I’ve only ever gotten tech, so I may hold out until I get the last 10% I need for tech, take up my ghost, and wait on skill until someone is duped.
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  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    Definitely Stealthy. Aside from maybe Killmonger, he’s the only skill champ in the basic that is worth r3 without being awakened (Ronin is great but he isn’t worth r3 until you already have a few). Ægon and Fury both need to be awakened to be worth it, so Stealthy is the best choice. NT is also a good option, but again, he needs to be awakened and high sig
  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★

    Definitely Stealthy. Aside from maybe Killmonger, he’s the only skill champ in the basic that is worth r3 without being awakened (Ronin is great but he isn’t worth r3 until you already have a few). Ægon and Fury both need to be awakened to be worth it, so Stealthy is the best choice. NT is also a good option, but again, he needs to be awakened and high sig

    Yeah, Ronin isn’t my best r3 move even if I could. Didn’t know that about NT thanks. Leaning towards stealthy.
  • CaptainGameCaptainGame Member Posts: 369 ★★★
    Wait for a dupe of one of my current ones or wait for someone else(Specifiy)
    I got a mystic t5 and mystic 6* awakening gem when I completed abyss. My options were mephisto, already awakened jane Foster, and ebony maw. I considered mephisto but decided to sit on it. A month or two later I pulled a 6 doom out of a featured and now he’s awakened and at r3. I recommend waiting for a nick fury over those options. I like stealthy but nothing beats that nick fury.
  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★

    I got a mystic t5 and mystic 6* awakening gem when I completed abyss. My options were mephisto, already awakened jane Foster, and ebony maw. I considered mephisto but decided to sit on it. A month or two later I pulled a 6 doom out of a featured and now he’s awakened and at r3. I recommend waiting for a nick fury over those options. I like stealthy but nothing beats that nick fury.

    Yeah I’m really hoping for a Nick.
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    You said prestige is also on your mind, go for stealthy. When has waiting for a champ ever some anyone good? Nick and aegon are only 2 champs out of the vast majority, there's a super low chance to get either or both. Awakening is another story since you don't have a gem. Go for stealthy, you're gonna enjoy that fella!
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