Stubborn Fix or Nerf needed!

DavidPaulsonDavidPaulson Member Posts: 28
Does anyone else feel like Stubborn just kills the fun of war. I really can’t stand it. Flow was fine, but this just sucks. If they don’t nerf this soon I may just quit. Anyone else feel the same?


  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 10,694 ★★★★★
    It allready ben neft ones befor in tier1 and it culd stake your 3 now it 1 only
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,598 ★★★★★
    For some reason we haven’t faced it once, but from what I’ve seen it seems like too much on certain nodes, particularly with doom and his giant block penetration, there should be some way that isn’t taking damage to remove it or hugely increase the attacker tactic perfect block so you take very little damage
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,075 ★★★★★
    Ya they already nerfed it, it’s overall much easier then flow but there are a few tough matchups
  • QfuryQfury Member Posts: 1,860 ★★★★★

    Does anyone else feel like Stubborn just kills the fun of war. I really can’t stand it. Flow was fine, but this just sucks. If they don’t nerf this soon I may just quit. Anyone else feel the same?

    Don't do high tier war, what's stubborn and why's it so bad?.
  • DavidPaulsonDavidPaulson Member Posts: 28
    Anytime you dex it makes it happen So not just a ghost or quake issue. You can get around it with with parry, Etc. But they should add a cool down timer to it or something. With some of these nodes like arc overload and what not it gets crazy depending on the champ you’re fighting. Having a defender go Indestructible left and right just from normal game play ruins the experience.
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    @Lvernon15 i faced it in tier 3. It’s pretty bad lol. Faced a doom boss. I was demolishing him with ghost (we left the incinerate poison shifting node up) but the block damage got me too. I was landing high damage hits but when I needed to block the penetration was really high. I went in with beardo after I did pretty well. Lasted around 4 mins but problem with that is dooms high crit resistance didn’t let me do much damage.
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★

    @Lvernon15 i faced it in tier 3. It’s pretty bad lol. Faced a doom boss. I was demolishing him with ghost (we left the incinerate poison shifting node up) but the block damage got me too. I was landing high damage hits but when I needed to block the penetration was really high. I went in with beardo after I did pretty well. Lasted around 4 mins but problem with that is dooms high crit resistance didn’t let me do much damage.

    You use ghost for stubborn?
  • DavidPaulsonDavidPaulson Member Posts: 28
    You can if you parry and then dash back and hit. But it’s not about how to
    Play with ghost. That global buff is too OP when you add in the other map buffs. @Kabam Miike we can be the only people saying this. At least look into a timer for when it can be applied again. It needs another nerf. This is killing war. When Every top alliance is selecting one buff you know it’s too OP
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★

    @Lvernon15 i faced it in tier 3. It’s pretty bad lol. Faced a doom boss. I was demolishing him with ghost (we left the incinerate poison shifting node up) but the block damage got me too. I was landing high damage hits but when I needed to block the penetration was really high. I went in with beardo after I did pretty well. Lasted around 4 mins but problem with that is dooms high crit resistance didn’t let me do much damage.

    You use ghost for stubborn?
    Yeah she does so much damage in the 5 min timers she works well. Few special 2s and its game over. The boss nodes take longer but she can still work. If you’re willing to use potions here and there.
  • -sixate--sixate- Member Posts: 1,532 ★★★★★
    I would prefer to face stubborn over flow.
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,075 ★★★★★
    -sixate- said:

    I would prefer to face stubborn over flow.

  • ThedancingkidThedancingkid Member Posts: 274 ★★
    It’s a lot easier than I expected when it was first announced. And I wish it made Doom bosses too difficult, ours regularly gets melted by Human Torch.
  • Cam77778888Cam77778888 Member Posts: 113
    How about incinerate poison node stun immune thing with stubborn? Pretty **** and lots of indestructible
  • Cam77778888Cam77778888 Member Posts: 113
    aside from ghost not a fun fight
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,598 ★★★★★

    How about incinerate poison node stun immune thing with stubborn? Pretty **** and lots of indestructible

    Pretty sure omega could do that fight
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