It Time For a Change in Rewards

Dear Kabam, I don't know if you will see this or not, but I think that there should probably be a change to SA rewards. They have been the same for as long as I can remember, and lets face it 4 and 5 star shards are becoming far less rare. Also with the addition of 6* soon will the top tier alliances start getting those creating a much larger gap between top tier alliances, and the midrange ones? I just think that there should be a change sooner rather then latter.



  • KillawabzKillawabz Member Posts: 55
    Nah, SA should stay the same. What needs changing is the alliance event rewards. T1 and T2 basics? Are you joking? PHC shards? I believe they should add in a Uncollected alliance thing. If everybody is Uncollected, they have the new updated events rewards. Or just make it simple like if your alliance is 6million rated, you get better event rewards. PHC shards and T1/T2 basic shards are completely BS at our stage.
  • ted126oted126o Member Posts: 18
    Sa is fine in my opinion free 4&5* shards just from doing stuff you would be doing already. Maybe the 3 day events need a revamp for higher alliances cause 250 4* shards and a scrap of 5* shards ain't worth it
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