is 69-4U for you?? need 5-7 active and skilled summoners!
hey guys.... Friends With Benefits (id 69-4U) is looking for about 5-7 players around the 100k+ mark. we do every war and aq we possibly can. we're around tier 9-11 in war and run map 3 in aq. used to get sa every week, but due to losing ppl, we now cash in every other week, however, that could easily change once we fill up again.
no donations required (although deposits will never be turned down) and easy minimums as long as you stay active. 5k in the 3day completion event, 15k per day in aq, do as many duels as you can tho they're not mandatory, etc. skilled, active ppl will fit right in, slackers get the boot.
we use groupme (mandatory) to communicate and strategize, and we like to have fun in there as well. no party poopers that cant take a joke! add me in game or on groupme, id pournstarr. hope to see you soon! thanks.
no donations required (although deposits will never be turned down) and easy minimums as long as you stay active. 5k in the 3day completion event, 15k per day in aq, do as many duels as you can tho they're not mandatory, etc. skilled, active ppl will fit right in, slackers get the boot.
we use groupme (mandatory) to communicate and strategize, and we like to have fun in there as well. no party poopers that cant take a joke! add me in game or on groupme, id pournstarr. hope to see you soon! thanks.