will the compensation for uncollected and cavalier player be the same or diffrent

well i am uncollected reached 6.1.5 crossbones is so difficult too kill so just wanted to ask will the compensation be same for both , different , slightly different or far apart i would feel very bad if it’s different cause i am just 2 chapters away cavalier
P.S can anyone tell me a way to defeat crossbones been stuck on him since a week my roaster ( gulliton 2099 5*r4, caiw 5*r4, captain marvel movie 5*r4 , morning star 5*r4 , 6* imiw r1, corvus 5* r3 ( just got him yesterday missing cosmic t4cc ) all my 5* and 6* champs are unduped ) i eben have 5* aegon and 5* omega red unduped so did not upgrade them if they are useful let me know for crossbones
P.S can anyone tell me a way to defeat crossbones been stuck on him since a week my roaster ( gulliton 2099 5*r4, caiw 5*r4, captain marvel movie 5*r4 , morning star 5*r4 , 6* imiw r1, corvus 5* r3 ( just got him yesterday missing cosmic t4cc ) all my 5* and 6* champs are unduped ) i eben have 5* aegon and 5* omega red unduped so did not upgrade them if they are useful let me know for crossbones
I ended up just using my hardest hitting 5*R5 and threw units at it.
All thing considered, it wasn't the worst fight I've completed, and I only dropped a couple hundred units. Less stress than doing a super long fight too.
Good luck whatever route you do take with it.
100 combo is not enough, you probably will have to hit him like 400 times, youll se him just going down, also if possible sp2 whenever he is about to regen. Is rerally not that hard if you have mastered guillo.
But slowly chip away, there's no hurry. You'll eventually get through. I did it with a R3 Warlock.
Beat him to the point he's just about to Regen. Exit, revive (don't heal), rinse repeat. No cost at all if you got the revives banked and no stress, easy fight with anyone who can put in some quick, decent damage.
Work, smarter, not harder if you're stuck. Ultimately, you'll want to learn the skill to get through 💯 since you'll be seeing him plenty, but if he's your stepping stone to get CAV, do what you gotta cause the CAV rewards will help your account grow faster so you have more firepower. Plenty of people pay their way through content or buying champ's... This is the poor man's way if you're truly stuck... It might just take some time to bank the resources.
That's crazy unfair. As the player who is higher in progression received an item 8x less valuable to them. Even though it's the "same" item.
As older players, we progressed more slowly, but by the time the new content came out, we were ready for it. I'm not saying one experience is better than the other. Just noting how different it is now. But yes, it absolutely makes sense to push for a title if it is available to you. Absolutely. Once you acheive Cavalier though, make sure to go back and start exploring the previous content to build the skills, experience and roster depth (vs height) to continue further into the game.