Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Looking for laid back, active alliance.

I had been with an alliance for a long time (3 years) but feel I was having to drag people along. I left that alliance and joined one with a few co-workers, but they rarely play. Now I'm looking to get back into an alliance where I can still get rewards from events and alliance quests. My player info is attached in a few photos here.

I'm fairly active, I log on multiple times a day and play about 3-4 per day. I do arenas, AQ, and will help on AW when I can. I also get about 300k-500k on each of the Avengers Use, Villains Use, etc. events.

If your alliance is looking for an active, contributing member let me know here or send an invite in game. I would prefer to not need a 3rd party chat app.


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    DoctorJ70DoctorJ70 Posts: 8
    Hello. We might be what you are looking for. We run aq 3/4/5 and war is optional (1bg). We want everyone to use the Line app but it's not mandatory. Look me up in game or on Line. DoctorJ_70

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    SlayerzzSlayerzz Posts: 399
    edited July 2020
    @Meschepers we really need some one like you on our team. We are new ally, but a very active one. I know our ally will be kinda lame for you. But we would be very grateful if you support our growing ally to make it more successful . If you need more information. Please tag me. Line is optional.
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    _hbtygbty423__hbtygbty423_ Posts: 546 ★★
    Search UK MU If intrested ally tag.
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    @Slayerzz how can I find your alliance in game?
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    Uncle_RajUncle_Raj Posts: 49
    We are aq map 5. Gold aw. Looking to fill a spot. Add me on discord
    Uncle Raj#5018
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    SlayerzzSlayerzz Posts: 399
    @Meschepers our ally tag is D€A7H.Name is BrainDead Zombies
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    Thanks, everyone. I found an alliance.
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