Alliances and kicking

CushyCushy Member Posts: 57
If a member has spent the whole season taking part in wars and aq and gets booted 1 day before the end of season should they still get the rewards? Me personally I think so as they have contributed to the whole season. This might already be the case I don’t know but if not I think that is very unfair. What do you all think?


  • ShafeeqShafeeq Member Posts: 569 ★★★
    edited August 2020
    Cushy said:

    If a member has spent the whole season taking part in wars and aq and gets booted 1 day before the end of season should they still get the rewards? Me personally I think so as they have contributed to the whole season. This might already be the case I don’t know but if not I think that is very unfair. What do you all think?

    It happened to me last year and some alliances kick low-level members who were inactive for some time or a day in such a way
  • hawk34hawk34 Member Posts: 41
    edited August 2020
    I'm pretty sure someone said that they contacted kabam and got the rewards... I'll try to find the comment/post.

    Edit: Nvm, seems i was thinking about some other game :)
  • CushyCushy Member Posts: 57
    I don’t think kabam should get involved, but I do believe if you have taken part in every war and helped an alliance reach a higher tier then you should still be rewarded for it. Wars are a long season and take up time through that month.
  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    Unfortunately I agree that kabam shouldn’t get involved in how alliances are run.

    I would say that if you are in an alliance that is questionable about how they treat there members and this becomes a concern you should move on. There are plenty of alliances out there that you can be comfortable that the leader and officers won’t do something like kick you right before war season ends out of spite. They might if you go MIA for the last week with no notice but I think that would be expected.

    Basically if you are worried this might happen in your current alliance to you then hope it doesn’t and then after season find a better alliance.
  • Oesername123Oesername123 Member Posts: 253 ★★★
    I was kicked from an alliance about a few days before the end of year gifting event ended. This was a random open alliance that I joined. I was top 3 in pretty much everything, from AQ to alliance events.. and I was kicked for absolutely no reason. These things happen. There are officers with power trips that just love to troll. Luckily I still had time to join another alliance and get the rewards, albeit much lower than before.

    I don't think Kabam should be involved with how alliances are run but people who have contributed to certain events should still get the rewards. Maybe one of the reasons why it's because in the past people have found loopholes to somehow take advantage of the situation. However there should be a middleground that is beneficial to all.
  • CushyCushy Member Posts: 57

    If we are being honest, in almost every situation, there’s a reason someone got kicked.
    Whether it’s because they just suck, don’t log in enough and cause hold ups, who knows.

    Sure it’d be better if officers waited before kicking someone but maybe their patience has grown thin with said person? Maybe they asked them to step it up and the request was met with threats and abuse? personally I’ve kicked someone 2 days before a season ended for this exact reason, don’t care how well they’ve done in the season, or if it’s 2 minutes or 2 weeks before the season rewards were to be released, you act like that you’re getting kicked on the spot.

    I’m talking from personal experience here,
    I took part in all aq and was always within the top 4 scores, never had to be asked to n as was always the first in. Same with war, took part in every single one. The last one I picked the wrong team for my path, but all the others I smashed through without any deaths. Got on and kept my head down. I’m just a bit gutted as I am very loyal. Was with previous alliance for 2 years. Never missed a war and same in new alliance. Just a bit gutting but I’ll get over it.
  • _Reef_Reef Member Posts: 270
    If you log in and dont help, Warning, next time kick. If you tell us you cant play today but place your bests, thanx. If i look at last 3 AW and 3 AQ you're bottom 5 everytime... Whats the point, im not letting you bum rewards. After we get our rewards im kicking 2, already kicked 3 that fight once in AQ or 0.2% AW.
  • OzFearUsOzFearUs Member Posts: 245
    It really depends on the alliance, I have been kicked once for not spending units for revives in AW, pretty serious alliance. I however have also kicked people because they join AQ, only go in once, then never move again (multiple times). That said, there is always a reason.
  • edited August 2020
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  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,510 ★★★★★
    edited August 2020
    For the most part, we are only seeing one side of these posts about being booted, which adds to why kabam doesn't get involved. Most alliance leaders or officers don't come here to defend their decision, which is their right to do.

    If you're new to an alliance, pay attention to how they treat others and when they boot others. This should give you an indication of how they run things. Any warning signs, run!

    Booting this close to the end makes no sense at all. If they got a replacement, that person can't get rewards, so unless he's an absolute upgrade to the booted person, it doesn't benefit anyone.
  • CushyCushy Member Posts: 57
    _Reef said:

    If you log in and dont help, Warning, next time kick. If you tell us you cant play today but place your bests, thanx. If i look at last 3 AW and 3 AQ you're bottom 5 everytime... Whats the point, im not letting you bum rewards. After we get our rewards im kicking 2, already kicked 3 that fight once in AQ or 0.2% AW.

    Oh I agree if people are doing that that’s fair enough. I have been in the same position as an officer, I just can’t understand when I haven’t been in that position through the aq or wars. Like I say it’s not a I’m so hard done by post it is what it is just got me thinking. As we were platinum so means I miss out on my next 6 star as a result.
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    It’s a sticky situation. I don’t think kabam should be involved with this but I also think members who deserve the rewards shouldn’t lose them either.

    I know this would cause the ones who don’t deserve it to get them also but it’s those people who ruin it for the folks who actually do. There should be a system that if you’re kicked and actually hit the qualifications to receive rewards you
    Should still get them. Now idk how this would work but it’d be cool for the folks who deserve them.

    My alliance has only kicked 1 person before rewards and he really deserved it. Even folks who have caused us wars and aq crystals have never been kicked before rewards except that one.
  • Shamir51Shamir51 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    It’s worth remembering that there are plenty of alliances that are run by kids. By no means am I saying that this is a problem with all kids, but some just aren’t mature enough to know better than doing things like this. Seen it plenty of times. Been in an alliance where a 15 year old officer kicked every member, the day before aq and SA rewards were due because he got into an argument with someone.

    But as others have said, in general, there is always a reason for someone being kicked. Timing is unfortunate and even in adult alliances, I’ve seen officers agree to kick someone just before rewards are due which I’ve always thought it exceptionally petty.

    But there is no way Kabam should get involved in the way alliances are run.
  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    just contact support or something. They might help you, but probably not. Its worth a shot
  • -sixate--sixate- Member Posts: 1,532 ★★★★★
    Don't do something stupid to get yourself kicked. You know the rules of your alliance, if you can't follow them you might get kicked. If rewards are important to you, do what is asked of you and you'll get your rewards.
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  • QacobQacob Member Posts: 2,252 ★★★★★
    My friends alliance leader told everyone to go big for a specific summoner advancement. Everyone opened all their crystals and ranked up their champions, only for the leader to kick half the alliance the day before the rewards. Pretty childish if you ask me.
  • CushyCushy Member Posts: 57
    I think the fairest way if you have done enough to help the alliance get the rewards you should receive them even if you are kicked. Like I say if you have sat back and done nothing and get kicked fair enough.
  • -sixate--sixate- Member Posts: 1,532 ★★★★★
    7714dtl said:

    Pro-kickers in this thread are trying to have it both ways. You say if someone got kicked they probably deserve it. But yet you kept them around long enough to qualify for rewards?

    If they deserved kicking you should not have kept them for the season. If they were your best option to get to the end of the season then they deserve rewards

    I've been an officer in most alliances I've been in for 5+ years. I only kicked a guy once before AQ rewards. Missed last 2 days of AQ no explanation, no communication. Nothing. He was not gonna get AQ rewards. I have never kicked before AW rewards, but if a guy cost wars for no showing without an excuse I would kick. I'm in a far more chill alliance now so these things aren't an issue. But top level alliances are crazy competitive and if you can't handle that you can get kicked.

    And a reason guys are kept around is it's hard to replace a guy once the min requirement for AW has passed.
  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 7,999 ★★★★★
    I think that they should just change it so that if you pass the requirements, you get the rewards even if you get kicked
  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    7714dtl said:

    Their is no help from support, bottom line is if you get kicked before season rewards hit, you don't get rewards. Kabam's policy
    i don't know about that....

    from a couple seasons ago, I got kicked the day before season rewards by a rogue officer.
    Don't know if they have changed their policy, but its worth a shot IMO
  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    edited August 2020
    Crcrcrc said:

    I think that they should just change it so that if you pass the requirements, you get the rewards even if you get kicked

    Nope, because SOME people will purposely join wars and put crappy defenders or not participate just to reap personal rewards regardless of the potential consequences to the allies they join. For instance, you only need 2 wars this time so that would not be an unlikely scenario at all. We're running 29 since last 2 weeks because the 30th person to join has done this in every case - that's 3 different people who joined with big accounts and didn't bother to jump into AQ or get moves in, when they were explicitly told what was expected to be in the ally both in the ally chat and via person to person chat.

    Getting kicked just before season completion sucks. It should not be taken lightly by an officer, but there are plenty of reasons it happens and it's usually due to the player being consistently unreliable or unreliable during critical times in AQ/AW. If you do any of things more than once, especially without communicating BEFOREHAND to an officer, you are not reliable, no matter, what you think:

    - not joining, joining late or minimal participation
    - taking wrong paths or not being able to consistently clear a path
    - placing lower level champs or those who can't handle a path and instead, using your best champs champs questing while AQ/AW events are running.
    All of these cause others to need to pick up the slack, take on more fights, put in more of their time, use their own items, and possibly even miss completion or exploration as a result

    If you're in an alliance, there are 29 other people counting on you to help out and some alliances don't take pity on those who jeopardize the ENTIRE alliances chance for getting AQ/AW rewards. Everyone wants them, but there's always those who aren't willing to do what it takes to get them and end up costing everyone else as a result.

    Sure, IRL happens at times and can't be avoided, but did they let someone know ahead of time or as soon as the emergency came up? Or, did they wait until later to say "my bad, I had something more important come up" after the fact? It literally takes a few seconds to notify an officer as soon as you know you won't be able to be there when you were expected to be. Don't wait until AFTER the fact, because people will assume you're just lazy - this wouldn't fly at your job. A little communication can go a very long way to avoiding these types of issues in my experience.
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