9.5k Prestige International player looking for a home

Greetings. I've mostly played in US-based Map 6x5 alliances upto to Top 250aq level so my participation won't be a problem. Boss killer in war if I have a proper counter, minimal deaths. K.od only two times in 2 seasons (one each). I'm looking for a Map 6x5, Gold 1 alliance.
My Line: h.o.o.c.h.i.e
Our alliance runs map 5 with modifiers and we are a plat alliance.
Feel free to reach out in game.
My game if ID is Coolst
We merged from 2 alliances. We brought our most active players. So even though we are a new family, many of us have played together for a long time.
Line: artisticvehicle
If interested, HMU: Line ID: Gigonite69